Performing Tasks within a Table

The following functions can be performed while viewing any ArrayStar table. The tasks in pink can also be performed from within the Manage Columns dialog.



How To…

To add columns

Use the Manage Columns dialog or select a statistical method from the Statistics menu (see ArrayStar Menu Commands).

To add columns related to statistical test result

Right-click on the column header and choose Add Column for. This command is only available if you right-click on a column of "P values" or "F values” that was generated using a command in the Statistics menu.

To reorganize columns

Click on a column header and drag it to the desired location.

To resize columns

Click on the edge of the column and drag it to the left or right.

To rename a column

Right-click on the column header and choose Rename Column.

To remove one column

Right-click on the column header and choose Remove Column.

To remove all columns to the right of the selected column

Right-click on the last column you want to keep and choose Remove Columns to the Right.

To remove all added columns from a table

Close the table and reopen it. By default, all of the data in your project defined as Gene IDs will be displayed each time you open a new Gene Table.

To sort a column alphanumerically

Click on the header for any column. Click on the header a second time to reverse the sorting order.

To make selections in a table

The selected column column shows a checkbox for each gene. A checkmark in this box indicates that the gene is currently selected in all views. Single-clicking on a row or group of rows will highlight the row(s) in blue. These highlighted rows represent genes that are currently selected in the Gene Table, but do not necessarily reflect whether the genes are selected in all views.

To access informational tool tips

Hover any cell with your mouse to reveal detailed information about data in that cell. Hovering over a column related to signal values (e.g., repeat_distrib_count, Total RPKM, etc.) opens a tool tip showing both rounded and unrounded log2 values, as well as other statistics.

To obtain additional information about a linked item

Click on a blue hyperlink.