Adding and Removing Files (Reference, Host, Viral or Biome Genome)

Versions of the Input Reference and Other Files screens allow you to add sequence files, feature files and/or completed assemblies.



To add files or folders of files:


      Local assemblies – Add files using the Add button or add folders of files using the Add Folder button. In the file explorer, navigate to and select the desired file(s)/folder(s), and then click Open.


      Cloud assemblies – Add files or folders using the Add button. This takes you to the Cloud Data Drive. Navigate to the desired file(s) or folder and then click the green check mark ().



To remove files:


If you would like to remove a file from the list, select it and click Remove.



Notes specific to the Input Reference Sequences screen:


      Before adding a reference sequence to certain projects, you may wish to first annotate it in SeqBuilder Pro for known SNPs/variations and other features.


      If you wish to manually specify an isoform to use in SNP calling, you must perform a minor edit to the template sequence before adding it here. See Manually Specify an Isoform for more information.


      If you are using output from the transcript annotation workflow as input for the templated transcriptome/RNA-Seq workflow, see Step 5 of Using Transcript Annotation (StarBlast) Workflow Output as a Template.