Adding a Sequence from Another Lasergene Application

Note: This topic is not applicable to BAM-based projects.


Many of the Lasergene applications will import sequences in multiple file formats. Click here for a list of import types by application. If a file type is not listed in your application of choice, you should open it in SeqBuilder Pro and either save it in the Lasergene sequence file format (.seq) or select File > Send Sequence To to open it in the application of your choice.


In addition, when you perform BLAST or Entrez searches using Lasergene applications, you can enter your choice of sequences from the match list directly to the Lasergene application. When you choose this option, Lasergene applications also save a copy of each sequence as a file in Lasergene format. You may also use the sequence's accession or ID number to directly download the data from NCBI and automatically open it into the Lasergene application.