Change the Default Application for Opening Lasergene Files

On Windows 7 and Windows 8:


1)  Open the Control Panel.


2)  Go to Programs > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program.


3)  Select extension you wish to change in the Extensions list and then click the Change program button.


4)  Click the Browse button in the Open With dialog box.


5)  Navigate to and select the application you want the files to open in. (Lasergene applications are located by default in C:\Program Files\DNASTAR\Lasergene 'x' or C:\Program Files (x86)\DNASTAR\Lasergene 'x', where 'x' represents the version number).


6)  Click Open.


7)  Click OK to close the Open With dialog box, and then click Close.


On Macintosh:


1)  Select a file of the type you wish to change in Finder.


2)  Go to File > Get Info.


3)  Click the dropdown arrow in the Open With field, and navigate to the application you want the files to open in. (Lasergene applications are located by default in Applications:DNASTAR:Lasergene 'x', where 'x' represents the version number).


4)  Click the Change All button to make the application you selected the default for all files of this type.