Features Menu

Menu Command


New Feature

To create a new feature based on a constituent sequence selection in the Alignment View.

New Consensus Feature

To create a new feature based on a consensus sequence selection in the Alignment View or Strategy View.

Edit Feature

To edit a feature that has been selected from a Feature Table. This option is only available when a Feature Table is open

Show Feature Table

To display a Feature Table, which allows you to view and manage all of the features within the current project.

Show all of type

When a Feature Table is open, and a feature is selected, this command causes a checkmark to be added in the Visible column for all features of the same type. In turn, the checked features will be displayed in the Strategy View.

Hide all of type

When a Feature Table is open, and a feature is selected, this command causes checkmarks to be removed from the Visible column for all features of the same type. In turn, the unchecked features will be hidden in the Strategy View.

Select all of type

When a Feature Table is open, and a feature is selected, this command causes all features of the same type to be selected.

Show Selected

When a Feature Table is open, and one or more features are selected, this command causes a checkmark to be added in the Visible column for selected items. In turn, the checked features will be displayed in the Strategy View.

Hide Selected

When a Feature Table is open, and a feature is selected, this command causes checkmarks to be removed from the Visible column for selected items. In turn, the unchecked features will be hidden in the Strategy View.

Copy Selected to Consensus

To copy the selected feature to the consensus sequence for the currently selected contig.


Note: This command is disabled for BAM-based projects.

Copy Exon

When a Feature Table is open, and a feature is selected, this command causes the notes and sequence for the selected feature to be copied to the clipboard. If desired, this information can then be pasted into a document as text.