Saving the Coverage Report

To save the Coverage Report as a text file:


1)  Click on the Coverage Report.


2)  Select File > Save Coverage Report for Contigs. A Save dialog appears.


3)  Enter a file name and choose a location.


4)  Select one of the following options from the Save As Type/Format (Win/Macintosh) pull down menu:


Tab-Separated: Saves all of the coverage regions in the report as a .txt file.


Tab-Separated – only checked: Saves a .txt file of only those regions in the report that are highlighted.


FASTA Sequences: Saves all of the regions in the report as a .fas file.


FASTA Sequences – only checked: Saves a .fas file of only those regions in the report that are highlighted.


Note for Windows users: In order to view correctly formatted text reports, we recommend using Wordpad, Notepad++, or Microsoft Excel, and not the default Windows text editor, Notepad.


5)  Click Save.