Window Menu

Menu Command




(Mac only) Reduces the currently active window to an icon on the taskbar. This is the same as clicking the yellow button in the upper left corner of a window.


(Mac only) Maximizes the currently active window. This is the same as clicking the green button in the upper left corner of a window.


(Win only) Arranges all of the open windows beside each other. The windows will be maximized to be as large as they can be within the SeqMan Pro window while allowing equal space for each other open project window.


(Win only) Arranges all of the windows in a diagonal row with the title bar of each window visible.

Arrange Icons

(Win only) Rearranges windows that have been reduced to icons along the bottom of the SeqMan Pro window. Iconized windows contain part of the name of the project and the standard buttons common to all windows. This includes the Window menu button to the left of the filename and the Restore, Maximize, and Close buttons on the right.

Close All

Closes all open SeqMan Pro windows. This does not exit the program. You will be prompted to save any unsaved work that you have done in a window before it is closed.

[Name of view or window]

The lower part of the menu shows a list of current windows and views. To make a window in the list become the active window, click its name from the list.