DNASTAR Bioinformatics Software
DNASTAR is a leader in the field of bioinformatics software, pioneering innovative software solutions since 1984. Our software has evolved substantially since we first started out, but one thing has never changed: our commitment to providing bioinformatics software to scientists that is both intuitive to use, and driven by accuracy.
We offer two primary product lines: DNASTAR Lasergene, comprehensive sequence analysis software for molecular biology research, genomics, and protein analysis, and our revolutionary Nova Applications, for highly accurate protein structure prediction and modeling.
Choose from our bioinformatics software options
Comprehensive Sequence Analysis
DNASTAR Lasergene is the complete software solution you need for designing primers, performing multiple sequence alignments, assembling and analyzing NGS sequencing data, and more. DNASTAR Lasergene includes three comprehensive packages that can also be purchased individually: Lasergene Molecular Biology, Lasergene Protein, and Lasergene Genomics.
Protein Modeling
Our Nova Applications provide highly accurate structural models of both proteins and protein-protein complexes that are unattainable through standard modeling methodologies. Nova Applications can be purchased individually or as a package and include NovaFold and NovaFold AI; for protein structure prediction, NovaFold Antibody; for antibody modeling and NovaDock; for protein-protein docking.