Simplify de novo transcriptome assembly using the automated pipeline in Lasergene Genomics.
De novo transcriptome assembly is a powerful technique in the study of non-model organisms, but transcriptomics data analysis often presents significant challenges due to the vast amounts of data and the common difficulties faced when removing contaminants, identifying and annotating transcripts, and using assembled transcripts in downstream analysis. Lasergene Genomics’ transcriptome assembly tools present solutions to all of these issues. Our patented clustering and assembling algorithms can handle virtually any size data set on a desktop computer, eliminating the need for super-computing clusters. Lasergene Genomics automatically removes the most common adapters, as well as any user-specified contaminant sequences, and provides access to our proprietary Transcript Annotation Databases, which use transcript annotations from RefSeq, facilitating assembly and annotation of even the most novel organisms. Once the de novo transcriptome assembly is complete, we provide FASTA files of both identified transcripts and novel transcripts, fully annotated and ready to use in downstream analysis, including using as a reference set for RNA-Seq analysis.