Set up your clinical research projects in minutes using Lasergene Genomics automated pipeline for human genome analysis.
Clinical research software has become more widely available in recent years, as the demand for workflows such as trio analysis, paired tumor-normal comparisons, and rare variant studies has grown. However, most commercially available software for human genome analysis requires extensive work up-front in preparing a project for assembly and eventual analysis. Lasergene Genomics stands apart in the field of clinical research software in part because of SeqMan NGen, our revolutionary wizard that enables you to set up your entire genome or exome resequencing project in mere minutes. SeqMan NGen automates tasks that typically require extensive manual intervention, including automatically organizing experiments and replicates, built-in access to diverse genome template packages for humans and model organisms, automatic incorporation of BED and VCF files, and automatic detection, annotation, and analysis of variants. Following assembly, the human genome analysis tools available in Lasergene Genomics make it possible to immediately begin extensive multi-sample variant comparisons, identify statistically significant variants, and explore relevant genes that intersect with variants of interest.