Australopithecus skeleton “Lucy” discovered in Ethiopia
Microsoft founded in Albuquerque, NM
Apple founded in Los Altos, CA
Two-time Nobel prize winner Fred Sanger (UK) invents Sanger sequencing
The Bee Gees’ album “Saturday Night Fever” spends 24 weeks at #1
Invention of PCR allows DNA to be amplified in the lab
DNASTAR founded by University of Wisconsin genetics professor Fred Blattner and John Schroeder, a computer science undergraduate
UK geneticist Alec Jeffries is first to use DNA fingerprinting to solve a criminal case
World population reaches 5 billion
DNASTAR releases EditSeq for sequence editing and annotation on Windows and Mac
The Simpsons premiers on Fox TV
Human Genome Project seeks to map the complete human genome in 15 years
Gorbachev dissolves the Soviet Union, with 15 republics becoming independent
Fred Sanger opens the Sanger Center near Cambridge, UK
DNASTAR releases MegAlign for phylogenetic analysis and PrimerSelect for primer design
Jeff Bezos starts Amazon selling books from his garage in Bellevue, WA
Toy Story, the first computer animated feature film, is released
Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, is born at the Roslin Institute in Scotland
The DVD format is first released in Japan
With help from Lasergene software, DNASTAR founder, Dr. Fred Blattner, leads the first team to sequence the ~4.6 million bp E. coli genome
First published sequence for an entire human chromosome
NVIDIA invents the graphics processing unit (GPU)
First crew arrives on the International Space Station
BLAST and Entrez database search functionality is added to Lasergene
Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, is launched
The mouse becomes the first mammal to have its full genome sequenced
Complete human genome is sequenced for the first time
Massachusetts becomes the first U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage
Roche releases the first next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, 454
Lasergene’s SeqBuilder application is launched and supports virtual cloning, primer design, plasmid map creation, and sequence editing
Solexa releases the Genome Analyzer sequencing method. Solexa was acquired by Illumina and the technology was renamed the following year as Illumina sequencing.
NASA photos suggest the presence of liquid water on Mars
The 1,000 Genomes Project is launched
Third-generation sequencing, later renamed long-read sequencing, released by PacBio and ONT
James Cameron’s “Avatar” becomes highest-grossing film of all time
An international team produces the first whole Neanderthal genome and finds that 2% of the DNA of modern humans is of Neanderthal origin
A 9.0 magnitude earthquake triggers a tsunami, causing the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, and killing thousands
Lasergene becomes available on the cloud through BaseSpace
LeBron James becomes the youngest player in the NBA to earn 20,000 career points
DNASTAR releases MegAlign Pro for phylogenetic analysis
DNASTAR releases NovaFold, our first protein structure prediction software. NovaFold becomes the only supported software to use the award-winning I-TASSER algorithm
CRISPR-Cas9, a gene editing tool, was discovered by Jennifer Doudna and Emmanualle Charpentier, who win the Nobel prize for its discovery
DNASTAR releases GenVision Pro for comparing multiple chromosomes or genomes
DNASTAR releases SeqBuilder Pro and adds agarose gel simulation functionality
DNASTAR launches Cloud Assemblies, even full human genome assemblies to be set up and initiated from any off-the-shelf computer or laptop
DNASTAR hits a milestone of 70,000 citations in peer-reviewed publications since it was first released
DNASTAR cloud offerings are delivered through AppStream for the first time
In December, SARS-CoV2 was first reported in Wuhan, China, the beginning of a 3-year global pandemic
On January 10th, SARS-CoV2 was sequenced by the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
SeqMan Ultra is introduced for Sanger sequence assembly and both Sanger and NGS analysis
Bridgerton becomes the most watched series in Netflix history
Queen Elizabeth II dies after serving as Britain’s queen for 70 years
GLP-1 receptor agonists first sold as a breakthrough treatment for obesity
Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to John Jumper and Demis Hassabis for developing the protein structure prediction algorithm, AlphaFold (available through DNASTAR’s NovaFold AI application)
DNASTAR software has now been cited in over 90,600 peer-reviewed publications and counting. Will yours be next?