We are excited to announce that Lasergene 17 is now available to download. This version of Lasergene focuses on sequence assembly and analysis, and introduces our brand-new application, SeqMan Ultra!
SeqMan Ultra seamlessly integrates with SeqMan NGen to provide everything you need for assembling and analyzing both NGS and Sanger sequencing data. SeqMan Ultra is the bright new face of SeqMan Pro*, complete with lots of performance improvements under the hood.
This new version of Lasergene includes the following new features and improvements:
- Our brand new SeqMan Ultra application is 64-bit which means faster project opening, better performance for analyzing large files, increased capacity, and compatibility with macOS 10.15.
- Improved algorithms for increased accuracy of Sanger assemblies, resulting in fewer false positives and more capacity for larger data sets.
- Improved variant analysis and reporting for Sanger assemblies, including access to our custom Genome Template Packages and human Variant Annotation Database (VAD), which bundles together data from dbNSFP as well as 1000 Genomes and ESP’s Exome Variant Server.
- More successful NGS assemblies, for both de novo and whole exome/genome sequencing projects. We’ve redesigned the wizard for setting up your NGS assemblies so that it’s easier to make your selections. Our wizard also now automatically analyzes your input data and hardware and lets you know if your system can handle the assembly locally, or if you should run it on the Cloud.
- Large assemblies and small computers sometimes don’t mix well. We now make it easier to utilize our cloud computing resources by automatically uploading input data, assembling data on the Amazon cloud, and downloading your completed projects — all with a single button click — freeing up your local computer to do other things.
- A new NGS workflow enables you to compare and analyze multiple VCF files that come from other NGS software pipelines and annotate them with information from our custom Genome Template Packages for enriched variant analysis.
- A new miRNA quantitation workflow gives you the ability to quantitate and analyze miRNA gene expression levels.
- We’ve improved our de novo genome assembly and gap closure workflows with enhanced guidance, and multiple genome closing options. Our hybrid reference-guided/de novo assembly workflow aligns Illumina sequence data to a closely related reference genome, automatically identifies structural variations and resolves them via de novo assembly producing a draft genome.
- A new workflow to polish or improve Canu or Spades assemblies of PacBio and Oxford Nanopore long read data, with Illumina data producing a highly accurate assembly in an editable SeqMan Ultra project file.
- You will also notice many usability improvements, including more streamlined analysis for multiple sample assemblies and an updated conflicts report.
* SeqMan Pro is included in Lasergene 17, but will eventually be completely replaced by SeqMan Ultra. Note that SeqMan Pro is a 32-bit application and is not supported on macOS 10.15.
Lasergene 17 is now available to download. If you are a current customer, upgrades are always included as part of your service plan. If your service plan has expired, please request a quote to renew!

Learn more about the new features in Lasergene 17

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