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Archived Webinar
High Resolution Protein and Antibody Modeling with NovaFold and NovaFold Antibody
Part of Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Digital Week
Presented by: Dr. Steve Darnell, Matt Larson, Thomas Leary and Hosung Shin
Originally Aired: April 25, 2018

DNASTAR’s Nova applications allow researchers to generate highly accurate structural models of both proteins and protein-protein complexes that are unattainable through standard modeling methodologies.
Learn how NovaFold Antibody generates models of antibodies and antibody fragments by combining homology modeling for framework regions and fragment-based or ab initio loop prediction. We also discuss how NovaDock can be used to predict high-resolution protein-protein interactions while exploring flexibility during the modeling process.
This session includes a discussion of the software algorithms as well as a live demo of the software in use.
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