To view consensus rulers:
Blue consensus rulers number and tick any gaps found in the consensus. The visibility of consensus rulers in the Overview, Sequences view and Pairwise view is dependent on:
- Which boxes you check in the Tracks panel (see image below).
- Ruler – Overview header & Pairwise view
- Sequence Ruler – Overview footer
- Ruler 1 – Sequences View header
- Ruler 2 – Sequences View footer
- Ruler – Overview header & Pairwise view
- Whether or not tracks are visible in a given view. To display tracks, click on the plus sign next to a sequence in the view of interest.
To view gap-aware sequence rulers:
Unlike the blue consensus rulers described above, black “gap-aware” sequence rulers use pre-alignment numbering for the sequences. The visibility of sequence rulers in views is dependent on:
- Which boxes you check in the Tracks panel. Boxes for Sequence Ruler appear in three parts of the Tracks panel: Overview Details, Sequence Details, and Pairwise Details.
- Whether or not tracks are visible in the views. To display hidden tracks, click on the plus sign next to a sequence in the view of interest.
To change Ruler options:
Currently, the Ruler tracks do not have editable options. However, you can add white space above and/or below the ruler using sliders in the Layout section.
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