The BLAST Search wizard is used to search a query sequence against one of NCBI’s databases. The sequence can be part or all of an active sequence, another sequence file on your computer, or typed/pasted-in text. The wizard consists of four consecutive screens, each described in a separate topic:

To launch the BLAST Search wizard, use one of the following commands or tools. Some commands let you launch the wizard with the workflow pre-selected and the Search list already pre-populated.

Command, shortcut or tool Description
Search > Sequence Search Launches the wizard at the Query screen.
Use the “Change search strategy” tool () from the
Text, Table or Pairwise views
From the Welcome screen, choose Search and then Search for sequences.

Search > Sequence Search with Selection Launches the wizard at the Query screen, whose table is pre-populated with the currently-selected portion of sequence.
Press Ctrl/Cmd+B
Search > Sequence Search with All Sequences Launches the wizard at the Query screen, whose table is pre-populated with all sequences in the document.

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