When you perform a search for a gene or numerical sequence location using Edit > Go To Position, each found location is automatically stored in the Recent section. Access this section by clicking on the Places panel expand bar entitled “Recent,” or by choosing View > Places > Recent.

Recent locations are listed in the same order in which they were added, and the list is saved whenever you save a project.

Task How to…
To return to a location on the list Double-click on the location name, or make a selection from the list and press the Go to this gene or location button ( ).
To save a location on the list to the Favorites section (similar to bookmarking a page on the Internet) Make a selection from the list and press the Add this place to Favorites button (). Alternatively, make a selection from the list, then right-click on the item and choose Add This Place to Favorites.
To remove all items from the Recent list Right-click in the Recent section and select Clear Recent.

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