The topic you requested could not be found.
Related topics are listed below.

Part E: Change the appearance of the Tree view

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a Clustal Omega alignment » Part E: Change the appearance of the Tree view

The Tree view shows evolutionary relationships predicted from the multiple sequence alignment. Click on the Tree tab at the bottom of the MegAlign Pro window. Press Neighbor Joining: BIONJ and then OK to calculate the tree. The Tree view is calculated using…

Change the order of sequences

Sequences » Change the order of sequences

Whether preparing an image of a view for publication, or simply for ease of analysis, you may want to change the order of sequences in one or more views. For instance, you may wish to order the tree to create a pleasing image or to draw the viewer’s focus to a…

Customize the appearance and layout of views

Customize the Look and Layout » Customize the appearance and layout of views

The following table lists ways in which you can customize the appearance and layout of views. Task How to… Show a view Use View > (View Name) > Show. Change the style (fonts, colors, calculation metrics and more) Use…

Export an image of the view

Export » Export an image of the view

To export an image of a view : Choose File > Export Image > (View Name) or click the Export image tool ( ) at the upper right of a view that allows exporting. Specify the file name and choose the export format: Adobe PDF (.pdf), Microsoft…

Part D: Change metrics and rendering in the Distance view

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a Clustal Omega alignment » Part D: Change metrics and rendering in the Distance view

The Distance view shows a matrix (i.e., table) of numbers representing distances between each pair of sequences. Sequence distances are used as input in creating the Tree view, which you will explore in Part E. Selections within this view are synchronized with other…

Change the default print size

Print Images » Change the default print size

Unless otherwise specified on your computer, the default printing size for all DNASTAR applications is “U.S. Letter” size (8.5 × 11 inches = 21.6 × 28 cm). You can temporarily change to another size, such as A4, from within the application. However, the…

Part C: Change sequence names and rendering in the Sequences view

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a Clustal Omega alignment » Part C: Change sequence names and rendering in the Sequences view

In Part B, you looked at the Sequences view while learning the function of the "viewport." You will now explore the Sequences view in more depth. The Sequences view displays entered sequences and aligned sequences. Sequences selected in this view are simultaneously…

Part C: View a genomic alignment in the Overview

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a genomic alignment with Mauve » Part C: View a genomic alignment in the Overview

Once the alignment has finished, notice how the Overview has changed in response to the parameter change, including changes to the colors of the blocks, and differences in which blocks are hanging below the line (i.e., on the opposite strand). Locate the…

Part B: Replace a sequence in the Overview and view the phylogenetic tree

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a MUSCLE alignment with multi-segment sequences » Part B: Replace a sequence in the Overview and view the phylogenetic tree

In the Overview, look for the longest segment and the longest gap region (shown in gray) in each sequence. Note that both of these are located on the left for "Rat," and on the right for all the other groups. These clues indicate that the segments for "Rat" were likely…

Part D: View the phylogenetic tree

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a genomic alignment with Mauve » Part D: View the phylogenetic tree

*Note: The images in this section show examples of how the trees might appear. Your trees may have different arrangements or different branch lengths from the ones shown. The current names of each sequence originated from the accession numbers that were embedded in…

Change the default application for opening files

Appendix » Change the default application for opening files

Windows 7 and Windows 8: Open the Control Panel. Go to Programs > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program. Select extension you wish to change in the Extensions list and then click the Change program button. Click the…

Pairwise view

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Pairwise view

The Pairwise view displays sequences after performing a pairwise alignment or a BLAST or Entrez database search. Sequence names selected in this view are simultaneously selected all other views in MegAlign Pro. Similarly, sequence names selected elsewhere will be…

Distance view

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Distance view

The Distance view shows a matrix (i.e., table) of numbers representing distances computed for each pair of sequences for the selected aligned block. Sequence distances are used as input in creating the phylogenetic tree shown in the Tree view. Selections within the…

Tree view

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Tree view

The Tree view shows evolutionary relationships estimated from the multiple sequence alignment, and is calculated using the current tree-building algorithm and settings, and the currently-selected Distance metric. This view is only accessible after you have performed a…

Text view

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Text view

To access the Text view, perform a BLAST search. When the search is complete, the Text, Table and Pairwise views are displayed together in a single popup window that is separate from the main MegAlign Pro window. To reopen all three views at a later time, click on the…

Table view

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Table view

To access the Table view, perform a BLAST search. When the search is complete, the Text, Table and Pairwise views are displayed together in a single popup window that is separate from the main MegAlign Pro window. To reopen all three views at a later time, click on the…

Variants view

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Variants view

To see the Variants view, you must first perform a multiple alignment. When the alignment is complete, the Variants view opens showing a Compute Variants button. Click the button to calculate the variants. If you have specified a reference sequence, variants are…

Homologs view

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Homologs view

The Homologs view displays the results of a gene homology alignment. To access the view, perform a gene homology alignment. Then click on the Homologs tab or choose View > Homologs > Show. Use the dropdown menu at the top left of the view to choose whether to display…

Sequences view

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Sequences view

The Sequences View displays added sequences and aligned sequences. Sequence names selected in this view are simultaneously selected all other views in MegAlign Pro. Similarly, sequence names selected elsewhere will be highlighted in the Sequences View. To access the…

Add only the portion of sequence that corresponds to a feature

Sequences » Add only the portion of sequence that corresponds to a feature

This topic describes two methods that allow you to align only the portions of sequences the correspond to a particular gene or other feature. Other portions of the sequences are discarded or removed prior to alignment, making the alignment for that gene both faster and…

When a portion of a protein sequence is selected

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Details panel » When a portion of a protein sequence is selected

When a portion of a protein sequence has been selected in any view (e.g., by double-clicking on a feature, or by dragging across the sequence with the mouse) except the Pairwise view, the Details panel contains the following information: Heading …

When a portion of a nucleotide sequence is selected

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Details panel » When a portion of a nucleotide sequence is selected

When a portion of a sequence has been selected in any view (e.g., by double-clicking on a feature, or by dragging across the sequence with the mouse) except the Pairwise view, the Details panel contains the following information: Heading …

When a portion of a pairwise alignment is selected

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Details panel » When a portion of a pairwise alignment is selected

When a portion of a sequence has been selected in the Pairwise view (e.g., by double-clicking on a feature, or by dragging across the sequence with the mouse), the Details panel contains the following information: Heading Selected Region …

Pairwise alignment of a short sequence to a chromosome

Perform a Pairwise Sequence Alignment » Pairwise alignment of a short sequence to a chromosome

With the release of Lasergene 17.5 (July 2023), MegAlign Pro features a unique algorithm—adapted from one used in SeqMan NGen—that supports pairwise alignment of a short sequence (typically a cDNA) to a chromosome-length sequence. This type of alignment is…

Customize the layout of other window components

Customize the Look and Layout » Customize the layout of other window components

Controls for this application’s view, panels and expand bars are described in the following table. For information that pertains only to views, also see Customize the appearance and layout of views. Task “How To” Show or open a hidden…

Move the cursor to a specific position

Search » Move the cursor to a specific position

To go to a specified position: Choose Edit > Go To (Pairwise) Position, use Ctrl/Cmd+J. If the project contains only aligned or only unaligned sequences, type in a number and click OK. If the project contains a mixture of aligned and unaligned sequences,…

When a portion of multiple sequences is selected

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Details panel » When a portion of multiple sequences is selected

When a portion of multiple aligned sequences has been selected (e.g., by triple-clicking on a feature, or by dragging across the consensus sequence with the mouse), the Details panel contains the following information: Heading Sequences –…

Part D: Map a filtered set of features

Features » Try it! – Map features » Part D: Map a filtered set of features

In this example, you will map only CDS features which have a note containing the letters RB. Right-click on the name of the source (upper) sequence and select Features > Map Features to Bottom Sequence. The Map Features wizard launches. In the Features…

Add translations of nucleotide sequences to a project

Sequences » Add translations of nucleotide sequences to a project

In MegAlign Pro 17.6 and later, you can add nucleotide sequences to an existing project as translated amino acid sequences. This functionality can be useful when you have DNA and protein sequences that you want to align together. MegAlign Pro does not support the…

Using the Overview as a sequence navigation tool

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Overview » Using the Overview as a sequence navigation tool

The light blue vertical column in the Overview is a “viewport” showing the region currently being displayed in the Sequences view. There are a number of methods—all performed within the Overview—for using the slider to navigate to a particular region in the…

Create a new project containing translations of nucleotide sequences

Create or Open a Project » Create a new project containing translations of nucleotide sequences

*Note: To create a new project and add sequences in their original formats, see the topic Create a new project. MegAlign Pro 17.6, released in 2024, can automatically translate selected nucleotide sequences (or subranges of those sequences) and add them to a new…

Troubleshoot the error “A different version is running”

Appendix » Troubleshoot the error “A different version is running”

If you receive the error “A different version of Lasergene is running” when you try to launch a Lasergene application, but another version of Lasergene actually isn’t running, there may be a lingering .state file from another version that needs to be…

Try it! – Determine the strain of an experimental viral genome sample

Phylogenetic Trees » Try it! – Determine the strain of an experimental viral genome sample

In this tutorial, you will use MegAlign Pro to compare an experimental SARS-CoV-2 sample to references sequences from four SARS-CoV-2 strains in order to see which strain is present in the sample. This type of analysis can be used with any viral genome samples that…

Export a tree to a tree viewer

Export » Export a tree to a tree viewer

To export a phylogenetic tree to a file: Use File > Export Data > Tree to export tree data in Newick (.newick) or Nexus (.nex, .nxs) formats . The saved file can be opened by several free and commercial evolutionary biology software programs. To set the default…

Reroot a tree

Phylogenetic Trees » Reroot a tree

Each tree in the Tree view displays an incoming root edge, which is intended to represent the location of a possible common ancestor. The root edge appears on the left of a tree drawn in the default orientation. For purposes of visualization or publication, you…

Make a Selection

Make a Selection

Depending on the view, you can select one or more sequences, any portion of a sequence, or a specific portion of sequence corresponding to a feature. The active selection is highlighted in light blue. The selection can then be copied to the clipboard, copied in a…

Choose the Alignment Type

Choose the Alignment Type

Which is better, multiple or pairwise alignment? This question is difficult to answer because it very much depends on how the alignment is going to be used. Mechanistically, the best sequence alignment is the one that produces the fewest number of mismatches. That…

Export the alignment report

Export » Export the alignment report

To export the alignment report for the selected block from a Mauve alignment, use File > Export Data > Alignment Report. To export the report for any other alignment type, use File > Export Data > Alignment Report. In both cases, the report is saved as a .txt file. …

Advantages of using SeqNinja files

Sequences » Advantages of using SeqNinja files

SeqNinja is DNASTAR’s tool for advanced and batch editing of genome sequences and features. SeqNinja allows you to convert file formats, batch edit and export features, merge and split sequence data, and transfer features between genome versions, automating the…

Modify a multiple alignment

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Modify a multiple alignment

The following table describes ways to modify an initial multiple alignment: Task See this topic To realign a range of aligned sequences using different parameters or a different alignment engine Subalign sequences To merge two…

Specify a reference sequence

Sequences » Specify a reference sequence

This topic describes several reasons you might want to use a reference and procedures for specifying, changing, and removing the reference. Note that a reference sequence in MegAlign Pro is different from a reference in SeqMan Ultra or SeqMan NGen. In SeqMan NGen or…

Generate a phylogenetic tree

Phylogenetic Trees » Generate a phylogenetic tree

MegAlign Pro offers three tree-building algorithms: Neighbor joining: BIONJ uses the BIONJ algorithm (Gascuel, 1997), a variant of the Neighbor-Joining algorithm (Saito and Nei, 1987) that was used in classic MegAlign. Choose this option if your project includes…

Create a new project

Create or Open a Project » Create a new project

There are a variety of ways to create a new MegAlign Pro project, whether a blank project, one that is prepopulated with sequences, or even one that is prepopulated and with the alignment already in progress. *Note: To create a new project and add automatic…

Search for or within a sequence using a text query

Search » Search for or within a sequence using a text query

MegAlign Pro supports searching for sequences by their name or by any text stored as part of the sequence (e.g., the description or the name of a feature). By default, the search tools are hidden. To display them, click on the Search tool () in the upper right of…

Customize the Look and Layout

Customize the Look and Layout

The following topics describe the many ways you can customize the look and layout of MegAlign Pro. Use the Style panel to change the look of a view (font styles and sizes, colors, number of decimal places, etc.) Customize the appearance and layout of…

Create or Open a Project

Create or Open a Project

Before you can add sequences to a project and align those sequences, you first need to create a MegAlign Pro project. If you already have a project from MegAlign Pro (or its predecessor, MegAlign), you can also open that to view or make changes. For details about each…

Choosing a pairwise alignment method

Perform a Pairwise Sequence Alignment » Choosing a pairwise alignment method

MegAlign Pro has four pairwise alignment algorithms. Align to Chromosome: DNASTAR is used to perform individual pairwise alignments of 1 to 25 short sequences (typically cDNA sequences) to a chromosome-length reference sequence. This method was released with…

Import a Newick-format tree

Phylogenetic Trees » Import a Newick-format tree

MegAlign Pro can open Newick trees with .newick, .txt or .tree extensions. To import a Newick-format tree file: Make any MegAlign Pro project tab active, or open a new, blank project. Trees cannot be opened from within the Welcome screen Choose File > Add…

Export data to a file

Export » Export data to a file

Subcommands of the File > Export Data command are used to export alignments, distance matrices and phylogenetic trees, as well as aligned sequences and the consensus sequence. Unless you wish to export all sequences in the project, you must first make a…

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment

MegAlign Pro supports the following multiple sequence alignment methods: Clustal Omega, Clustal W, MAFFT, MUSCLE and Mauve. Click here for descriptions and a comparison of the different methods. To learn how to perform, modify, and troubleshoot multiple sequence…

Perform a Pairwise Sequence Alignment

Perform a Pairwise Sequence Alignment

MegAlign Pro supports local, global, semi-global, and chromosome-based pairwise alignment methods, as well as a specialized proprietary method for aligning cDNAs or other short sequences to a chromosome. Click here for descriptions and a comparison of the different…

Remove sequences from a project

Sequences » Remove sequences from a project

The following procedure causes the selected sequences to be completely removed from the project, not simply moved to the “Unaligned Sequences” area. To remove sequences from the project: Select one or more of the aligned or unaligned sequences in the Overview…

Perform a Gene Homology Alignment

Perform a Gene Homology Alignment

The ability to do gene homology alignments was added in Lasergene 17.6, released in early 2024. This method is for nucleotide sequences only and is set up using a simple wizard with five screens. With this method, you can perform a phylogenetic analysis of much larger…

Analyzing a gene homology alignment

Perform a Gene Homology Alignment » Analyzing a gene homology alignment

After a gene homology alignment has finished, you can view the results in the: Tree view — The phylogenetic tree was automatically calculated according to the algorithm you specified in the Assembly Output screen and is ready to view. Homologs view — This…

Edit gaps in a sequence

Sequences » Edit gaps in a sequence

With the release of MegAlign Pro 17.6 in 2024, you can insert, delete, or shuffle gaps in a sequence that is part of any multiple sequence alignment except a Mauve alignment. To edit gaps: Perform a multiple sequence alignment. Click View > Style > Multiple…

Part B: Navigate using the Overview

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a Clustal Omega alignment » Part B: Navigate using the Overview

Observe that the sequence blocks in the Overview are now the same lengths. Sequence gaps are represented by gray coloring within the blocks. The light blue vertical column shown at the left of the green blocks, above, is a "viewport" showing which region is…

Part A: Add and align sequences

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a Clustal Omega alignment » Part A: Add and align sequences

In this part of the tutorial, you will be adding 143 DNA sequences to the MegAlign Pro project and aligning them with the Clustal Omega algorithm using the default settings. If you have not yet downloaded and extracted the tutorial data, click here to download it.…

Part B: Map a single feature

Features » Try it! – Map features » Part B: Map a single feature

In this part of the tutorial, you will map a single selected feature from the source sequence to the target sequence. In order to choose the appropriate mapping command, you will need to know where the source and target sequences appear in relation to one another in…

Add ungapped sequences to a project

Sequences » Add ungapped sequences to a project

To add standard (ungapped) sequences, or additional sequences, to an existing project: You can add standard DNA, RNA or protein sequences from a wide variety of file types, including SeqNinja .star files. (See Advantages of using SeqNinja files). *Note: To add only a…

Add gapped sequences to a project

Sequences » Add gapped sequences to a project

To import gapped sequences from an existing MegAlign Pro file (.msa): The following procedures both remove gaps from the sequences and place the updated sequences in the “Unassembled Sequences” area of the project. Click on the Add Sequences button ( ) or…

Part F: Export the annotated target sequence

Features » Try it! – Map features » Part F: Export the annotated target sequence

In MegAlign Pro, hover over any target sequence annotation to read the entry. Verify that the sample entry matches your search criteria by checking the following: Is the feature a CDS? Does its original note contain the letters “RB”? Also observe…

Detect and remove outliers from the alignment

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Modify a multiple alignment » Detect and remove outliers from the alignment

After performing a multiple sequence alignment, you may wish to detect and remove outliers from the alignment. From the Distance view, select a reference sequence. Choose Distance > Order Sequences by Distance from Selection. By default, a heat map color scheme…

Try It! – Use Local pairwise alignment to find a gene within a genome

Perform a Pairwise Sequence Alignment » Try It! – Use Local pairwise alignment to find a gene within a genome

Consider the case of a researcher who is trying to investigate the role of a gene isolated from a yet-unsequenced Salmonella strain. This strain has already been demonstrated to be both copper and multi-drug resistant. As demonstrated in the following tutorial,…

When a non-empty document is open

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Details panel » When a non-empty document is open

If a document is open and contains sequences (whether they have been aligned or not) and nothing is selected, the Details panel contains the following information: Heading The project filename. Sequence type – DNA, RNA, or…

Part A: Add, rename and align sequences

Features » Try it! – Map features » Part A: Add, rename and align sequences

Before mapping features in MegAlign Pro, you first need to add and align the sequences. If you have not yet downloaded and extracted the tutorial data, click here to download it. Then decompress (unzip) the file archive using the method of your choice. If a…

Add multi-segment sequences to a project

Sequences » Add multi-segment sequences to a project

Sequences that consist of more than one chromosome, contig, or fragment are called multi-segment sequences. By entering a group of sequences into MegAlign Pro using a special command, the entire data set will be concatenated end-to-end and treated as a…

Part B: Use a Local pairwise alignment method

Perform a Pairwise Sequence Alignment » Try It! – Align transcripts to genes using Local and Global pairwise alignments » Part B: Use a Local pairwise alignment method

Now that you have finished Part A of the tutorial, this part shows how you can use a local pairwise alignment to resolve the correct mapping of the first intron in isoF and isoC. Click on Pairwise view tab. Look at the left drop-down menu at the top of the view…

Part C: Use a Global pairwise alignment method

Perform a Pairwise Sequence Alignment » Try It! – Align transcripts to genes using Local and Global pairwise alignments » Part C: Use a Global pairwise alignment method

Since the Local pairwise alignment in Part B was not an improvement over the multiple alignments in Part A, you will now try a Global pairwise alignment. This type of alignment forces the ends of both sequences to be aligned. Click the gear icon on the Pairwise view…

Part A: Add and align multi-segment files

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a MUSCLE alignment with multi-segment sequences » Part A: Add and align multi-segment files

If you have not yet downloaded and extracted the tutorial data, click here to download it. Then decompress (unzip) the file archive using the method of your choice. If a MegAlign Pro project is already open, choose File > New Alignment Project > Blank Document.…

Try it! – Perform a Clustal Omega alignment

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a Clustal Omega alignment

This tutorial will use the Clustal Omega algorithm to multiply align 143 DNA sequence files consisting of regional variations of the Human Papilloma Virus L1 gene (HPV-L1). HPV has affected humans for hundreds of thousands of years and is known to cause cervical…

Save the layout and apply it to other projects

Customize the Look and Layout » Save the layout and apply it to other projects

You can change the layout of MegAlign Pro’s views and panels as described in Customize the look and layout. Once you have arrived at a layout you like, you can save it and then apply it to future projects, either by default or only when you specify that it be…

Export data from the Text, Table or Pairwise views

Export » Export data from the Text, Table or Pairwise views

The Export data tool ( ), located in the header above the Text, Table or Pairwise views, lets you export data from those views. This tool provides a choice of three options, one of which has four sub-options. Options include: Export Data > Matches…

When no document, or a blank document, is open

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Details panel » When no document, or a blank document, is open

When no document or only a blank document (one containing no sequences) is open, the Details panel displays links to help you get started in MegAlign Pro. Heading One or more links are available. The first three options are available for blank…

Part A: Compare results from three multiple alignment methods

Perform a Pairwise Sequence Alignment » Try It! – Align transcripts to genes using Local and Global pairwise alignments » Part A: Compare results from three multiple alignment methods

This part of the tutorial demonstrates that if you don’t have annotations to rely on for validating multiple alignments, a pairwise alignment is a good alternative. This tutorial uses a default MUSCLE alignment of the Drosophila melanogaster ADH gene and the…

Part A: Add genomic sequences using drag & drop

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a genomic alignment with Mauve » Part A: Add genomic sequences using drag & drop

If you have not yet downloaded and extracted the tutorial data, click here to download it. Then decompress (unzip) the file archive using the method of your choice. If a MegAlign Pro project is already open, choose File > New Alignment Project. Otherwise, launch…

Part B: Perform a Mauve alignment using modified parameters

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a genomic alignment with Mauve » Part B: Perform a Mauve alignment using modified parameters

In this part of the tutorial, you will explore how to view and change parameters prior to performing a multiple sequence alignment. Choose Align > Align Using Mauve and align the sequences using the default parameters. Because this is a genomic alignment, the…

Try it! – Perform a genomic alignment with Mauve

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a genomic alignment with Mauve

In this tutorial, you will be adding six nucleotide sequences to MegAlign Pro using drag & drop, and then aligning them with the Progressive Mauve algorithm. Drag and drop is a feature available in all Lasergene applications, and is useful for entering multiple…

Add sequences from a saved project to an active project

Sequences » Add sequences from a saved project to an active project

To add sequences from a saved project to an active project: Choose File > Add Sequences and select a MegAlign Pro project file (.msa). All sequences in the .msa file will be added to the “Unaligned Sequences” area of the active project.

Try It! – Follow a multiple alignment with Global pairwise alignments

Perform a Pairwise Sequence Alignment » Try It! – Follow a multiple alignment with Global pairwise alignments

This tutorial demonstrates a situation in which a pairwise alignment can help resolve a confusing placement of gaps within a multiple alignment. In this case, a multiple protein sequence alignment suggests that the protein sequence from a specific organism (Tupaia…

Try it! – Perform a MUSCLE alignment with multi-segment sequences

Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment » Try it! – Perform a MUSCLE alignment with multi-segment sequences

Sequences that consist of more than one chromosome, contig, or fragment are called multi-segment files. Suppose you want to string together the consensus sequences from all the contigs in an assembly, or chromosomes in a genome, or exons in a gene, etc. If you enter…

Tracks panel

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Tracks panel

The Tracks panel lets you manage the tracks displayed in the Overview and the Sequences view. To open the Tracks panel: Click on the Tracks tab (). If the panel is not already visible, reveal it using any of the following methods: Choose View > Tracks > Tracks…



“Tracks” are rows of information that can be displayed or hidden, as desired, in the Overview and Sequences view. Tracks can pertain to a header, footer, or individual sequence row. The following video provides a brief overview of how tracks are used in…

Options section

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Tracks panel » Options section

To access settings for the track type currently selected in the Tracks panel, click on the Tracks panel expand bar entitled “Options,” or choose View > Tracks > Options. The Options section varies in appearance depending upon the selection. For discussions of each…

MegAlign Pro Interface

MegAlign Pro Interface

MegAlign Pro displays your sequences and results in customizable views and panels. The items displayed in the window, their locations, colors, fonts, etc. can all be changed to suit your preferences. To learn more, see the following topics: Welcome screen…

Pairwise Alignment section

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Style panel » Pairwise Alignment section

To access options affecting the display of pairwise alignments in the Pairwise view, click on the Style panel expand bar entitled Pairwise Alignment, or choose View > Style > Pairwise Alignment. Task How To Specify the wrapping style for rows…

Match Bar track

Tracks » Match Bar track

To display the Match Bar track: The Match Bar track is used to show similarities and differences between the query and target sequences as calculated using the Blosum 62 substitution matrix. This track is available in the Pairwise view only after performing a pairwise…

Gap treatment options

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Distance view » Gap treatment options

To change the distance metric used to generate the Distance view table, click the Change Analysis Parameters tool ( ) in the Distance view. This opens the Analysis Options dialog where you can specify the Metric and Gap Treatment. Another way to access the same dialog…


MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Overview

The Overview provides a way to navigate within the sequences, no matter what type of sequences or alignment is used. In the case of genomic alignments generated by Mauve, the Overview also allows you to explore the relationships between multiple aligned blocks.…

Distance metric options

MegAlign Pro Interface » Views » Distance view » Distance metric options

To change the distance metric used to generate the Distance view table, click the Change Analysis Parameters tool ( ) in the Distance view. This opens the Analysis Options dialog where you can specify the Metric and Gap Treatment. Another way to access the same dialog…

Distance section

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Style panel » Distance section

The Distance section affects the appearance of the Distance view. To access this section, click on the Style panel expand bar entitled Distance, or choose View > Style > Distance. *Note: In Lasergene 17.1 and earlier, this section was used to specify distance…

Manually specify sequence type

Sequences » Manually specify sequence type

When you add a sequence to a project, MegAlign Pro uses clues in the sequence file to ascertain whether it is DNA, RNA or protein. When uncertain, it will prompt you to supply the missing information as you add the sequences. If MegAlign Pro guesses incorrectly…

Sequence section

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Style panel » Sequence section

To access options affecting the Sequences view and Pairwise view, click on the Style panel expand bar entitled Sequences, or choose View > Style > Sequences. Task How to… Select font options for the ruler numbers in the view Use the…


MegAlign Pro Interface » Views

The left side of the MegAlign Pro window is comprised of one or more “views.” To learn more about the types of views and how to change their appearances, click the links below. View types: Overview Sequences view Pairwise view Distance view Tree…

Visually Compare Other Sequences to One Sequence

Visually Compare Other Sequences to One Sequence

You can visually compare sequences in the alignment to one of the aligned sequences by using settings in MegAlign Pro’s Style panel to highlight differences or matches. By default, the comparison is against the reference sequence, if you have specified one.…

Trim an individual sequence

Sequences » Trim an individual sequence

Individual sequences in the project can be trimmed before or after alignment based on features or by direct selection. This is different from trimming the entire alignment, which affects all sequences in the project. To trim an individual sequence before or after…

Rename sequences automatically using specified data fields

Sequences » Rename sequences automatically using specified data fields

The following procedure lets you create labels for one or more selected sequences automatically, using specified fields such as sequence length, organism, or description. To rename sequences using specified data fields: Select one or more sequence names from any…

Print Images

Print Images

To print an image of any MegAlign Pro view, whether it is currently active or not: Choose File > Print or use Ctrl/Cmd+P. The Print Document dialog opens: Use the Printer drop-down menu to choose the desired printer from a list of available…

Consensus track

Tracks » Consensus track

To display the consensus: After any type of alignment, a consensus sequence is automatically displayed in the Sequences view header. To display or hide this consensus sequence, check or uncheck the Consensus box in the Tracks panel. This box is only visible after…

Features panel

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Features panel

The Features panel lets you specify which feature types should be visible in the Overview and the Sequences view once a sequence has been expanded. To open the Features panel: Click on the Features tab (). If the panel is not already visible, reveal it using any of…

Places panel

MegAlign Pro Interface » Panels » Places panel

The Places panel lets you quickly navigate to a sequence location or range that you have visited before. The following video shows how to bookmark favorite locations using the Places panel: To open the Places panel: Click on the Places tab (). If the panel is not…