When you press the Filter results tool () in the header above the Table or Pairwise views, there are two options: Filter and Clear Filter. Clicking on the Filter option opens the following dialog:

  • Use the <select> drop-down menu to choose a filter type, then enter the desired options.
Filter type Description
Accession The Accession number.
Description The NCBI “Definition” field text.
Length The length of the match sequence in bases.
Organism The species name.

  • To add another filter, press the plus icon (). To delete a filter row, press the minus icon ().
  • Once you have set up all desired queries, go to the top of the dialog and choose whether to Match all of the following or Match any of the following queries.

Once you are finished setting up filters, do any of the following:

  • To apply the filters, press Apply or Filter.
  • To clear all filters and start over, press Clear.
  • To exit the dialog without filtering, press Close.

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