Data can be exported using the Export data tool () located in the top right of some GenVision Pro views and panels. The table below shows export options available from each view, as well as menu commands that can be used to export aligned sequences or the consensus sequence.

To export… Click tool in… Available options Notes
All of the aligned sequences Analysis view Export Aligned Sequences

  • To export only the sequences from a particular experiment or chromosome, make selections from the Experiment and/or Chromosome drop-down menus.

  • To export a sub-range of the sequences, enter coordinates into the Start and/or End boxes. A new popup appears:

    • Use the upper drop-down menu to choose whether to support as a Single File or Multiple Files.

    • Use the drop-down menu to choose from FASTA file, GenBank file, FastQ file, or Lasergene DNA file formats.

    • If you wish to preserve gaps in the consensus, add a checkmark next to Include gaps.

    • If you wish to include bases that were only found in the reference sequence and not in any read sequences, add a checkmark next to Include reference-only bases as ‘N’.

    • Check the box if you wish to Preserve aligned orientation.

    • Press OK. Then choose a name and filetype and press Save or OK.

  • (Phased data only) Specify what to do with Unphased regions during export. GenVision Pro can either Append (them) to blocks or save them as Separate sequences.

  • Press OK to export the selected sequences.

    (Note: As an alternative to using the tool, you can also use the File > Export Data > Export Aligned Sequences menu command or right-click within the Analysis view and choose Export Aligned Sequences.)
The consensus sequence Analysis view Export Consensus This dialog works exactly like the one described in the row above.

(Note: As an alternative to using the tool, you can also use the File > Export Data > Export Consensus menu command or right-click within the Analysis view and choose Export Consensus.)
Contents of the Variants view table Variants view NA Save data in either comma- or tab-separated value (.csv or .tab) formats.
Matching regions of displayed matches, but not the query sequence itself Table view Export Data > Matches without Gaps Data is saved as an ungapped FASTA (.fasta) file.
Displayed matches aligned against the query Table view Export Data > Aligned Matches Data is saved as a gapped FASTA (.fasta) file.
Contents of the Table view Table view Export Data > Table Data is saved in either comma- or tab-separated value (.csv or .tab) formats.
Contents of the Text view Table view Export Data > Text Data is saved in text (.txt) format.
A file of selected sequence matches Table view Download Sequences Data is saved in GenBank (.gbk) format.
A selected data source in BAM format Explorer panel NA Data is saved in BAM (.bam) format.

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