If the server computer’s firewall is “on,” you will need to allow an exception for the DNASTAR lserv (Mac) or lservnt.exe (Windows) file. In most cases, this exception is set up automatically during installation.
To set up the exception manually:
On Windows:
- Determine whether a firewall is present by navigating to the Control Panel and searching for Windows Firewall. Note whether the firewall is On or Off.
- If the firewall is On, check whether there is an exception for Sentinel RMS Development Kit License Manager (the name of the license manager software used by DNASTAR).
- If no exception is listed, follow Microsoft’s instructions for adding a program to the firewall. When prompted to choose a program path, use the Browse button to navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\DNASTAR-LicenseServer\Server\lservnt.exe.
- In the “allowed programs” dialog, check all of the boxes (Domain, Private, and Public) corresponding to Sentinel RMS Development Kit License Manager.
- Click OK to save your changes and exit.
On Mac:
- Determine whether a firewall is present by navigating to System Preferences > Security and Privacy and clicking on the Firewall tab. Note whether the firewall is On or Off.
- If the firewall is On, check whether there is an exception for lserv, located at ~/Library/DNASTARLicenseServer/lserv.
- If no exception is listed, click the Firewall Options button and follow Apple’s instructions for adding a program to the firewall. The “allowed programs” dialog should now say that lserv is set to Allow all incoming connections.
- Click OK to save your changes and exit.
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