Task Windows Mac
Restart Navigate to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. On the list, right-click on DNASTARLicenseServer and choose Restart. After restarting, check WlmAdmin to confirm the server is running with the correct number of modules and licenses. Double-click on /Library/DNASTARLicenseServer/start_ls.command. Also see instructions below this table.
Stop Navigate to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. On the list, right-click on DNASTARLicenseServer and choose Stop. Double-click on /Library/DNASTARLicenseServer/stop_ls.command.
Uninstall Use the uninstall utility located in Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a Program. Double-click on /Library/DNASTARLicenseServer/uninstall_ls.command.

Troubleshooting license server stopping automatically on Mac:

If you are using a Mac and the license server stops repeatedly for no apparent reason, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Services and open the properties for DNASTAR License Server.
  1. Click the Recovery tab.
  1. Use the drop-down menus for all three types of failures to select Restart the service. Then press OK.

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