When you predict antibody interactions with NovaFold Antibody, the wizard begins with the Sequences screen. This screen is used to specify the protein sequence(s) to use for the prediction(s). The number of sequences you can enter/upload to submit for folding depends on the type of NovaFold license you have.

  • If you have a term license, the NovaCloud Services view shows the number of predictions that can be run concurrently.
  • If you have one or more individual prediction licenses, the number of predictions you can run concurrently is the same as your total remaining number of purchased predictions. This number can be seen in the NovaCloud Services view.

Note that the ability to submit large numbers of concurrent jobs may fluctuate during peak usage.

When populated, the Job Name column displays the name of each query protein sequence or its FASTA title tag. The Residues column displays the number of residues in the sequence, and the Sequence column displays the first part of the amino acid sequence in IUPAC format.

Task How To
To upload a file containing the light and heavy chains in FASTA format Click Add File and navigate to the protein file. Note that the file must contain both chains within the same file. The maximum sequence length is 2,000 residues per sequence. Multi-sequence FASTA files are imported as a batch, with each chain’s sequence listed on a separate row of the table.

To change the information in any cell of the table Insert the cursor and type over the existing text.
To type or paste in the sequence chains Click the Enter button. Type or paste two valid protein sequences into the field provided, in FASTA format. If a yellow “error triangle” appears, hover over it to see a tooltip describing the issue (e.g., “sequence must be in FASTA format,” etc.). Press OK to add the sequence to the job table. If you wish to enter additional sequences, check the Add another box before pressing OK.

To delete a job from the job table Select the job and press Remove.

Click Submit to submit the job without further customization, or click Next to proceed to the Options screen. If you choose Submit, you can close this dialog as soon as the Close button is enabled.

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