To create new sequences from existing sequence features:
- Choose Tools > Extract Features as Sequences. The Project window opens with the Project and Options tabs active.
- In the Project tab, place the sequences whose features you wish to extract into the Sequences folder. To add sequences to a folder, select the folder, then right-click it and choose Import. Select the desired sequence files, and press Open. Use Shift+click or Ctrl/Cmd+click to select two or more sequences.
In the Options tab on the right, the number of sequences selected on the left appears in the message: “‘n’ sequences will be processed.’
- In the Options tab, use the upper drop-down menu to choose the type of feature to extract (e.g., CDS, mRNA, etc.)
- If you wish to further limit the search to features that contain particular qualifiers, check the Filter box and use the lower drop-down menu to choose a qualifier. To the right, enter the text that the qualifier must match (e.g., /gene = thrL). You may use wildcards in this box if you wish (e.g., /gene = thr*)
- Press the Run button.
The extracted features appear as individual sequences in the Project tab’s Results folder. Sequences are named automatically according to a contained qualifier (e.g., /protein_id, /locus, or /accession).
- (optional) If you wish to see the script that was used to run this process, press the Script tab.
- (optional) If you want to see the history of the run, including the location of the output file(s), press the History tab.
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