SeqBuilder Pro lets you view the translation for part or all of an open nucleotide sequence or create a new protein sequence based on the translation of a nucleotide sequence.
To display translations for an open nucleotide sequence:

In the Sequence or Primer Design view, click on the Translations and ORFs tool () and make a selection from the Reading Frame sub-menu.

After displaying a translation, you can modify it as follows:

  • To hide a translation strand, right-click on it and choose Hide Translation Strand.
  • To create a translation for only the selected portion of the sequence, in the Sequence view, click on the Translations and ORFs tool () and choose Create Translation. Type a name and press OK.
  • To control the display and numbering of the translation, use the Translations table located in the Settings panel.
  • To toggle between displaying amino acids as 1- or 3-letter codes, choose Sequence > Translation Display > Three Letter Code or Sequence > Translation Display > One Letter Code.

To save the translation of a DNA/RNA sequence as a new protein sequence:

To change or modify the genetic code used for translations:

See the topics Choose the genetic code and Modify the genetic code.

The following video provides a brief walkthrough of translation in SeqBuilder Pro.

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