To modify a base in the primer:

  1. Create or import primers or primer pairs.
  1. Modify bases using either of these methods:

    • For single primers only (i.e., the primer cannot be part of a primer pair) – From within the Primers view, click inside the Primer Sequence column and edit the existing nucleotide sequence.

    • For single or paired primers – From within the Primer Design view, click on the Selection Mode tool ( ) at the top left of the window. Overwrite the nucleotide character with the desired character.

After you modify a base in the primer, restriction sites are color-coded as follows (see image below):

  • Red – Enzyme recognition sites that are are introduced by the edit. In other words, red sites are present in the primer, but not the template.
  • Blue – Enzyme recognition sites that are eliminated by the edit. In other words, blue sites are present in the template, but absent in the primer.
  • Black – Enzyme recognition sites that are present in both the template and the primer.

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