The load454PairedEnd command loads a file of Roche 454 sequences and checks for the presence of a linker defining the paired end sequences. If the linker is found, the linker is removed and the remaining portion is split into two sequences linked with a paired end constraint.

Parameter Description Allowed values
DiscardLinkerless Specifies whether to discard any read where no portion of the mate pair linker was found. In this way, reads that do not have a linker sequence will be discarded from the assembly. [true|false]
file The directory and file name of the .fas, .fna, or .sff file containing the 454 sequences. [directory/filename enclosed in quotes]
linker The directory and file name of the .fas, fna, or .sff file containing the 454 linker sequences. If not specified, SeqMan NGen will use its default 454 linker sequence: GTTGGAACCGAAAGGGTTTGAATTCAAACCCTTTCGGTTCCAAC. [directory/filename enclosed in quotes]
max, maxDistance The maximum distance for the paired end constraint. [number]

Default = 10000
min, minDistance The minimum distance for the paired end constraint. [number]

Default = 0


   file: “/Library/454 data/123_Pairedend.fas”
   linker: “/Library/454 data/123_linkerseqs.fas”
   min: 0
   max: 10000
   DiscardLinkerless: false

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