The command loadBAM is used to set parameters for analyzing existing BAM files. It allows ungapped BAM files to be converted into a fully gapped assembly file or to re-gap an existing file with different parameters. The command also permits SNPs to be calculated or re-calculated with different parameters starting with an existing BAM file. The associated parameters are also available for full assemblies and are described under the assembleTemplate command.
Parameter | Allowed values |
align | |
delayAlignInserts | [true|false] |
format | |
gapPenalty | |
increaseRunGapPen | [true|false] |
layout | |
matchScore | |
minAlignedLength | [0-999] |
minMatchPercent | |
mismatchPenalty | |
output | |
removeUniqueInserts | [true|false] |
snp | |
snp_checkStrandedness | |
snp_clusteredPosFilterMinDev | [number] |
snp_clusteredPosFilterMinFromEdge | [number] |
snp_hetKnownThresh | [number] |
snp_hetThresh | [number] |
snp_limitEndPos | |
snp_limitStartPos | |
snp_limitTemplateID | |
snp_logEndPos | |
snp_logLevel | |
snp_logStartPos | |
snp_logTemplateID | |
snp_maxRun | [number] |
snp_maxStrandBias | [number] |
snp_minHomopolDelDepth | [number] |
snp_minHomopolDelFrac | [number] |
snp_minHomopolInsDepth | [number] |
snp_minHomopolInsFrac | [number] |
snp_minPctToScore | |
snp_minProbNonrefToCall | |
snp_minStrandCov | [number] |
snp_minVariantDepthToScore | |
snp_minWeight | |
snp_nlMutationRate | The chance that any single base is different from the reference. The default value of 0.0013 is equivalent to ~4 million variations in a Human sample against the reference or several thousand in a bacterial genome. [number] |
snp_observedInControlFilterMaxCount | [number] |
snp_observedInControlFilterMaxFrac | [number] |
snp_proximalGapFilterMaxDel | [number] |
snp_proximalGapFilterMaxIns | [number] |
snp_proximalGapFilterWindowSize | [number] |
snp_reportUserMissing | [dbSNP|user|zeroCoverage|cosmic|allcaptured|captured] |
snp_runVar | [true|false] |
snp_showAllFeatures | [true|false] |
snp_writeExtended | |
snp_writeMissingDBSnps | [true|false] |
snpMethod | |
snpRefAsm | [quoted file name] |
template |
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