The setQualityParam command allows you to adjust the parameters used for quality trimming. In order to be applied, the trimEnds parameter for the assemble command must be set to ‘true.’

Parameter Description Allowed values
EndRegion The number of bases at the end of a sequence considered to be the “end region” which is used by other quality parameters. [number from 1-100]

Default = 5
MaxN The maximum number of “N” bases permitted in the window used for N-based quality trimming. [number from 1-100]

Default = 2
MaxNHiQual The maximum number of “N” bases permitted in the window used for N-based quality trimming to meet the high-quality threshold. [number from 0-100]

Default = 1
MinAveHiQual The minimum averaged quality score of the evaluated window required to be considered high-quality. [number from 10-40]

Default = 22
MinAveLowQual The minimum averaged quality score of the evaluated window required to be considered low-quality. Wizard equivalent: Advanced Trim/Scan Options > Minimum quality. [number from 5-40]

Default = 20
MinEndBaseQual The minimum quality base score required in the specified end region. [number from 5-40]

Default = 15
NTrimWinLength The length of the window used for “N-based” quality trimming. N-based quality trimming trims bases that are called “N” and is used only when quality scores are not available. [number from 5-100]

Default = 7
WinLength The length of the window used for averaging quality scores. Wizard equivalent: Advanced Trim/Scan Options > Window. [number from 2-100]

Default = 5


setQualityParam winLength:30
setQualityParam minAveLowQaul:14
setQualityParam minAveHiQaul:18
setQualityParam minEndBaseQaul:15
setQualityParam endRegion:15
setQualityParam nTrimWinLength:50
setQualityParam maxN:2
setQualityParam maxNHiQual:1

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