Depending on the view, you can select one or more sequences, any portion of a sequence, or a specific portion of sequence corresponding to a feature. The active selection is highlighted in light blue. The selection can then be copied to the clipboard if desired.

To select… Do this…
A contig In the Explorer panel, click on the name of the contig.
Multiple read sequences In the Alignment or Strategy view, use Ctrl/Cmd+click or Shift+click to select multiple read sequences.
One entire sequence In the Alignment or Strategy view, click on the sequence name. To search for a sequence by name, open the Sequences section of the Explorer panel and use the search bar at the top.
A portion of a constituent or consensus sequence In the Alignment or Strategy views:

  • Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse along the portion of sequence you wish to highlight. To select multiple non-contiguous portions, use Ctrl/Cmd+drag.

  • Click on the left-most residue you wish to highlight. Hold down the Shift key and click on the right-most residue.

  • To select an entire sequence, insert the cursor anywhere along the sequence, then right-click and choose Select All.
Everything that can be selected Choose Edit > Select All.
Nothing (remove all selections) Choose Edit > Select None.
Everything but the currently selected range of the consensus In the Alignment or Strategy views, drag the mouse across the consensus sequence to select the range you do not want. Then choose Edit > Invert Selection to unselect that portion and select the other part(s) of the consensus.
A portion of one sequence In the lower portion of the Alignment view, drag the mouse across residues in a sequence track while holding down the left mouse button.
A track Click on a track.
One or more features and corresponding sequence Click on a feature to select it. To add additional features to the selection, use Ctrl/Cmd+click.

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