Project Statistics is one of several Project Report views that may be available, depending on the assembly type that is currently open.
To access the view, choose View > Project Report > Project Statistics.
Statistic | Description |
Located in the table | |
Name | Name assigned to the contig during assembly or after renaming it in the Contigs and Scaffolds section. |
Contig Length | Length of the contig in bp without counting gaps. |
Contig Length (wGaps) | Length of the contig in bp with gaps included. |
Total Bases | Total number of bases contained in all sequences used in the assembly. |
Number Seq. | Number of sequences assembled into this contig. |
Reads per Strand (Top, Bottom) and Scaffold | Number of reads on the top and bottom strands for the scaffold. |
Average Depth | Average sequence depth over the length of the contig. |
Cumulative Contig Length (woGaps) | Total length of this contig, without gaps, added to the total lengths of the contigs above it in the table. |
Located below the table (certain .sqd projects only) | |
Contigs | Number of contigs in the assembly. |
Contig N50 | A weighted median statistic such that 50% of the entire assembly is contained in contigs equal to or larger than this value. |
Largest Contig | Length in bp of the longest contig in the assembly. |
Contig Linkage | Shows the paired reads that link contigs together. |
PairDistances | For single libraries, the Median Observed pair distance is the median distance between paired reads across the data set (only applicable to projects where multiple paired-end libraries are used in a single project). |
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