Following some sequence expressions, a fragment (sub-range) can be specified using coordinates. Here are some rules pertaining to sequence fragments:

  • Each coordinate is specified by a “site expression.”
  • Integral coordinates are supported. The first base has index 1.
  • The full expression is always evaluated left-to-right.
  • A sub-range applies to all sequences in a multi-file sequence. Ranges are re-evaluated for each member of the set to which they are applied.
Objective Expression Examples
Read right from coordinates a to b, inclusive (a > b)
$F=alpha.fasta(%i+3, 414)
$C1=$A(1,414)=$A(1 > 414)
Circle right (b > a) $E1=$A(414 > 1)
Circle the reverse complement (a<b) $E2=$A(1<414)
Read the reverse complement left from coordinates b to a (b<a) $D1=$A(414<1)
Specify the left end and right end bases lend
$D=$A(lend+1, rend+1)
Reference a base position relative to the left end of the sequence. (Note that “left” can only be used to specify the coordinate on the right-hand side.) left out.fasta = in.fasta(lend, lend + 12)

See the image below for a visual representation of the different sequence segments.

Coordinates can also be specified by the results of one or more searches for matching sequence. The value of a search is a coordinate. Site expressions can include both searches and integral expressions, all evaluated left-to-right.

IUPAC ambiguity codes are recognized both in the sequence and in the expression. For example, typing AAS (where S = C or G) into an expression will cause SeqNinja to look for the first instance of AAC or AAG in the sequence. Conversely, typing AAC into an expression will cause SeqNinja to look for the first instance of AAC, as well as any combination of bases and ambiguity codes that would allow for AAC (e.g., AAS, WWM, etc.).

In the following search examples, $A=“AAAGGGCATCCCTTT”:

Objective Expression Examples Result
For left position, start at lend, search forward (lend > > "sequence", rend) $A(lend > > "CAT",rend) CATCCCTTT
For right position, start at lend, search forward (lend,lend > > "sequence") $A(lend, lend > > "CAT") AAAGGGCAT
For left position, start at rend, search reverse complement (rend<<"sequence", rend) $A(rend<<"ATG", rend) CATCCCTTT
For right position, start at rend, search reverse complement (lend,rend<<"sequence") $A(lend, rend<<"ATG") AAAGGGCAT
Search forward implicitly from lend ("sequence", rend) $A("CAT", rend) CATCCCTTT
Search forward implicitly from left position in direction/strand of single arrow (lend+number > "sequence") $A(lend+3 > "CAT") GGGCAT
Search forward implicitly from right position in direction/strand of single arrow (rend<"sequence") $A(rend<"ATG") AAAGGGATG
Look forward for first “CC”, then look forward from there to next “T” (chained search) (lend > > "seq a" > > "seq b", rend) $A(lend > > "CC" > > "T", rend) TTT
Find ambiguity code matches ("sequence", rend) $A("CAN", rend)
$A("CAW", rend)
Search for “CAT” and add 3; this mixes search operators with arithmetic ("sequence"+number, rend) $A("CAT"+3, rend) CCCTTT

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