Click the bullet-pointed links below to learn about added or improved functionality in the modern application compared to the “classic” versions. These links will take you away from this “Transitioning” guide to the relevant User Guide topic for SeqBuilder Pro or MegAlign Pro.
SeqBuilder Pro lets you:
- Create a new sequence based on an existing sequence; among others, by using the reverse complement, translation, or a feature, by sampling sequences* Perform virtual cloning
- Auto-annotate sequences with or without first creating a custom feature database
- Easily edit primers by using a mutation/codon change tool, by typing or by changing the primer length
- Customize the appearance of features
- Display the translation of a sequence below the original sequence
- Easily change the appearance of views and the layout of views and panels
- Change the rendering style and font
- Easily create, modify and join features, and show or hide features in the views
- Perform highly customizable agarose gel simulations
- Export a sequence in many different formats
MegAlign Pro lets you:
- Perform multiple alignments using the Clustal Omega, Clustal W, MAFFT or MUSCLE algorithms
- Perform genome-level multiple alignments with Mauve
- Perform pairwise alignments using the Smith-Waterman algorithm, or either of two variations of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm; then easily perform subsequent pairwise alignments using different parameters or a different combination of sequences.
- Rename a single sequence manually, or one or more sequences automatically, using a customized naming convention
- Analyze results in several graphic-rich views, and customize the view layout
- View details about any selection: one or more sequences, a portion of one or more sequences, one or more tracks or features, or a portion of a pairwise alignment
- Apply detail for rulers, features, a translation, a consensus, the sequence logo, GC content or gap fraction histograms and many more.
- Bookmark a sequence location or range of interest, so you can easily return to it later
- Export data, a phylogenetic tree, or an image of a view
SeqMan Ultra lets you:
- Seamlessly access SeqMan NGen, where you can create and build your assembly.
- Open finished assemblies for downstream analysis
- View information about the currently open assembly or about any selection.
- Work with contigs by organizing them into scaffolds, closing gaps between them and seeing contig information in graphical or tabular views.
- Apply data tracks that provide enhanced information about the contig, consensus and reads.
- View features in graphical, tabular or text format and filter features.
- View, filter and score variants.
- Search for sequences online in NCBI’s BLAST and Entrez databases.
- Customize the appearance and behavior of views, tables and the layout itself
- Export the consensus or data from a view.
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