To save or export a sequence:

  • EditSeq offers the following options:

    • To save in Lasergene (.seq or .pro) file format, use File > Save As.

    • To export to Genbank (.gbk), FASTA (.fas) , or GCG (.gcg) file formats, use File > Export .

    • To export multiple sequences into a single file with a Genbank (.gbk), FASTA (.fas or .fap) , or DNA Multiseq (.mseq) file format, use File > Export all as one.
  • SeqBuilder Pro offers the following options:

    • To save in SeqBuilder Pro (.sbd), Lasergene (.seq or .pro), GenBank (.gbk), FASTA (.fas or .fap), ABI (.abi) or EMBL (.embl) file formats, use File > Save As. For details, see the SeqBuilder Pro User Guide topic Save.

    • To export sequences in .sbd, .seq, .gbk, .embl, or .fas. formats, use File > Export Sequence(s) From Project. For details, see Export sequences to a file.

    • To export sequences to GenVision (.gnv) format, use File > Export As GenVision Project. For details, see Export sequences to GenVision.

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