Routine tasks deserve remarkable tools.
Reliable sequence analysis software is essential for every molecular biologist. And while everyday tasks like sequence alignments and primer design may be routine, their success impacts everything else downstream. That’s why you need remarkable, easy-to-use tools that get it right, every time.
Lasergene Molecular Biology stands apart in the field of molecular biology software because of its longstanding record of proven accuracy, its ease of use, elegant interfaces, and automated tools that are missing in most molecular biology software packages. We’ve got you covered for important sequence analysis tasks including in silico cloning, PCR primer design, Sanger sequence assembly, and multiple and pairwise sequence alignments, but Lasergene Molecular Biology goes beyond the expected functionality and helps you reach your analysis goals quicker through insightful features like batch editing, automated sequence annotation, access to a meticulously annotated plasmid vector map catalog, and full integration with NCBI databases, delivering truly remarkable sequence analysis software that you can rely on.
Molecular Biology Workflows
Molecular Biology Workflows FAQs
Which Lasergene package do I need for sequence analysis?
Lasergene Molecular Biology includes all the applications you need for most of our sequence analysis workflows. Lasergene Protein is required for our PCR site-directed mutagenesis workflow…
Lasergene Molecular Biology includes all the applications you need for most of our sequence analysis workflows. Lasergene Protein is required for our PCR site-directed mutagenesis workflow.
DNASTAR Lasergene is our complete software package which includes Lasergene Molecular Biology, Lasergene Protein, and Lasergene Genomics.
We offer both academic and commercial pricing for convenient annual licenses, which include upgrades and unlimited access to our technical support team. We also offer special Lasergene Molecular Biology pricing for current students.
How do I access the molecular biology workflows in Lasergene?
Our molecular biology workflows for sequence analysis can be accessed by clicking on the Molecular Biology tab in DNASTAR Navigator.
What file types are supported for sequence analysis?
Lasergene Molecular Biology supports virtually any type of sequence file, including FASTA, ABI, and GenBank formats, and easily imports files from Vector NTI, SnapGene, and Geneious. For a full list of supported file types, see our File Formats resource.
Can I try before I buy?
Yes! We offer free, no-obligation trials of our complete DNASTAR Lasergene package. During your trial period, please feel free to contact us with questions!