Use Lasergene Genomics to easily assemble and perform peak detection on your ChIP-Seq data, getting you to comprehensive ChIP-Seq data analysis quicker.
ChIP-Seq data analysis is often a cumbersome process, requiring tedious project setup and time-consuming, complicated data manipulation. Lasergene Genomics makes it quick and easy to set up your ChIP-Seq analysis project, by offering an easy-to-use wizard that guides you through project setup in minutes. The software also includes several different customizable options for variant detection, normalization, and peak detection. Select binding proteins from the Transcription Factor Database, by using a type-in pattern, or by using a position weight matrix to identify binding sites. Following your ChIP-Seq data assembly, easily analyze genes near peaks using live, interactive views and comprehensive filtering tools. Utilize gene ontology to identify the relationship between genes with particular biological functions or to determine the relative importance of genes in specific processes. Visualize peaks to interpret gene expression and regulation in GenVision Pro, and create high-quality, highly customizable images for publication. Use the ChIP-Seq analysis tools in Lasergene Genomics to achieve comprehensive results quicker!