Set List Toolbar

From within the Set List, the following tools are available:




select gene set in all views button

Click the Select Set in All Views tool to select the currently selected set in all other views.

Click the Select and Show Set in Table tool to select the genes or SNPs in the currently selected set and view them in the Gene Table or SNP Table.

add a new gene set button

The Add a New Set tool will be active if two or more sets are selected. Clicking this tool will give two options:


      Add Union of Sets as a New Set – combines all of the data from all selected sets into a new set.

      Add Intersection of Sets as a New Set – creates a new set from the genes or SNPs common to all selected sets.


In either case, a dialog will appear, asking you to name the new set, and enter any applicable notes.

rename button

Click the Rename/Edit Selected Set tool to edit the name and notes for the currently selected set.

delete button

Click the Delete Selected Set(s) tool to delete the currently selected set(s). Deleting a set does not remove the items within the set from the project.


Click the Copy Selected Set tool to copy the list of gene or SNP names from the currently selected set to the clipboard. This list can then be pasted into another application, such as Microsoft Word or Excel.


Click the Print Set List tool to print a summary of your Set List.

print preview

Click the Print Preview tool to view your set list information on your screen as it will appear on the printed page(s).

import gene set button

Click the Import Set tool to import a set into your project.

export gene set

Click the Export Selected Set tool to export the list of gene or SNP names from the currently selected set into a text file.

modify gene info settings button

Click the Modify Gene Information Settings tool to display the Gene Information Settings window.


Note: If you can't see all the tools, enlarge or maximize the ArrayStar window.