Step 2 - Select experiments and genes to compare

The second step of the Create a Quick Gene Set wizard appears below.



This step of the wizard lets you choose which experiments or genes to compare and allows you to limit comparisons to a specified saved gene set.


      In the Experiments to compare section, select each experiment you want to use in the comparisons by checking the box next to the experiment name in the tree. If you chose Compare Experiments to a Baseline in Step 1 you must select one or more experiments here. If you chose Compare All Experiments Pairwise, you must select two or more experiments. The total number of resulting sets will depend on how many experiments you have selected and what comparison method you are using.


Note: Do not click the Move to Step 3 (Comparisons) button yet if you want to create constraints.


      If you want to limit the items being compared to those in a particular set, check the box next to Limit the comparisons to a saved gene set. This option is only available if you have already created sets for your project. After checking the box, select the desired set from the Gene Set dropdown menu.


Click Move to Step 3 (Comparisons) to proceed to Step 3 of the wizard. To return to an earlier step, click its “up arrow” button ().