Access the DNASTAR Cloud Data Drive

Once you have met the license and credential requirements, the Data Drive can be accessed in several ways:


Through the SeqMan NGen wizard:


1)  In the Welcome screen, select Assemble on the DNASTAR Cloud (currently available on Windows and Macintosh only) if you are licensed for this option and wish to perform one or more assemblies on the Cloud, rather than using your own physical machine.


2)  You will be prompted to enter your Email and Password. Enter the information that you use when logging in to the DNASTAR website. Check the Save password box if you would like SeqMan NGen to save this information so you do not need to retype it in the future.



3)  Click Next. If you are licensed, a message will display the number of assemblies remaining on your license. Click OK to close the message and continue to the next screen.


Note: If you are not licensed, a message will appear, asking you to purchase a Cloud license through DNASTAR Support (


4)  In the Cloud Assembly page:


      If you intend to start a new assembly project, click the Upload Data button to access the DNASTAR Cloud Data Drive. From within the Cloud Data Drive, upload any data that will be needed for the assembly. As you progress through the SeqMan NGen wizard, you can access the files on the Cloud Data Drive by using the Add, Add Folder or Browse buttons




      If you want to monitor an existing assembly, click Manage/monitor existing cloud projects and click Next to open the Cloud Assemblies screen. From this screen, make a selection in the upper table and then choose either Download Assembly or View Data to open the DNASTAR Cloud Data Drive.



As a standalone application:


From your computer’s hard drive or from the DNASTAR Cloud Desktop, launch the DNASTAR Navigator and then click on DNASTAR Cloud Data Drive.


If you are not currently logged in to the DNASTAR Cloud Data Drive, you will first be prompted to log in.



Enter the User ID and Password from your DNASTAR account, then click Log in.