SeqMan NGen Help

Note: For Customer Support contact information, and for a link to the most up-to-date version of this help, please see Before You Begin.


DNASTAR’s SeqMan NGen® software gives you the ability to assemble and analyze large genomes with unsurpassed speed using sequence data from any major next-gen sequencing platform.


Features of the software allow you to:


      Assemble human or other large eukaryotic genomes against a genomic template quickly and easily on a desktop computer.


      Assemble most popular types of next-gen data, including Ion Torrent, Illumina, Pacific Biosciences.


      Perform reference-guided assemblies of billions of sequence reads and de novo assemblies of up to 30 million sequence reads (genome sizes up to 50 megabases).


Note: The upper limit for project size depends on many factors, including your computer’s level of RAM and its processor speed. See our recommended technical requirements for more information.


      Assemble multi-sample data for later analysis.


      Utilize an interactive, data-rich SNP report, including probabilities and genotypes determined with Bayesian statistics as well as dbSNP, GERP and COSMIC associations.


      Detect potential structural variation regions (displayed as a table in SeqMan Pro).


      Align reads against a database of genomic templates.


      Recalculate SNPs for a BAM-based assembly project.


If you are licensed to use DNASTAR Assemblies on the Cloud, you can do all of the above, plus:


      Upload data files to the DNASTAR Cloud and store them there.


      Perform multiple large assemblies simultaneously in the Cloud, freeing up your computer’s RAM for other tasks.


Note: For detailed information, see DNASTAR Cloud Data Drive Help.


If you are not using the Cloud and plan to create a templated assembly and wish to include data from dbSNP, you’ll first need to download a free DNASTAR genome template package that contains the template sequence, annotations, and associated dbSNP entries. Packages are available for a variety of model organisms. If you are using DNASTAR Assemblies on the Cloud, there is no need to download a genome template package, as the SeqMan NGen wizard can access all packages directly from the DNASTAR server. The wizard can also download genomes from NCBI in either GenBank or FASTA formats.


SeqMan NGen utilizes scripts to run an assembly. SeqMan NGen’s wizard allows effortless generation of scripts with no programming required. For video tutorials on using the SeqMan NGen wizard, or access to a command line scripting manual, please click here and choose the Resources tab on the left.