Separating and Combining Sequencing Projects

Note: This topic is not applicable to BAM-based projects.


If your assembly project is medium in size (large projects should instead be assembled with SeqMan NGen), you may want to work separately on different parts of the assembly project. This is feasible if your project has multiple contigs.


To separate the contigs into different projects and recombine them later:


1)  Save an exact copy of your assembly document under a different name so that you initially have two identical projects.


2)  Use Contig > Delete Contig or Contig > Delete Scaffold to delete from each project the contigs you wish the other project to contain.


3)  Edit the two project documents as separate assemblies.


4)  Combine them back into one project by selecting File > Merge. This command adds contigs from a saved SeqMan Pro project to the current project.


To merge two projects:


1)  Open one of the assembly projects you want to merge if it is not already open.


2)  Select File > Save As to save the project under a new name. This allows your original project to be maintained as it was before the merge.


3)  Select File > Merge. Locate and select the file you want, and then click Open to open the Merge dialog.



4)  Select the contigs that you wish to add from the list provided, and then click Open.


5)  When the merge is complete, Save the project.


When merging projects, consider the following:


      Contigs from the project being added are displayed into the upper pane of the Project Summary window. Sequences from the project being added are displayed into the lower pane of the window.


      If the added contig(s) is named, the name will be preserved. If the added contig(s) is numbered and the number is not duplicated in the current project the number will be preserved, otherwise a new number will be assigned.


      The merger is recorded in the Project Report of the current project.


See Joining Contigs for information on how to join contigs in the merged project.