Working with Features

SeqMan Pro enables you to display, edit, and create new features for the sequences in your project. Features are read from .seq and .sbd files as well as existing SeqMan Pro projects. (.sqd). You can also import features for your sequences through BLAST searching.


Note: Features cannot be added to BAM-based projects or to sequences that contain trace data.


Features on the constituent sequences in your assembly can be viewed from the Alignment View or the Strategy View. All of the features in your project can be viewed and managed from a Feature Table (Features > Show Feature Table).


If you are unable to see features within your project, it may be due to one of the following reasons:


      You may be looking for features on the consensus sequence from the Alignment View. Features that have been added to the consensus sequence will only be displayed in the Strategy View. To open the Strategy View, select Contig > Strategy View.


      The feature may have been on part of the sequence that was trimmed as vector.


      You may be viewing a Feature Table for the consensus sequence rather than for the constituent sequences, or vice versa. To display the Feature Table for the consensus sequence, first open the Strategy View by selecting Contig > Strategy View, and then select Features > Show Consensus Feature Table. If the Strategy View is not the active window, selecting Features > Show Feature Table will display features for the constituent sequences in your project.


      If the Scaffold Strategy View is open while you create a feature from the Strategy View (Features > New Consensus Feature), the Scaffold Strategy View will need to be closed and reopened before the new feature is displayed.