Exporting Genes

Currently selected genes can be exported from the following views as a .txt file by selecting File > Export Selected Genes, or by clicking the Export tool export gene set:


      Scatter Plot


      Heat Map


      Line Graph


      Line Graph Thumbnails


In the graphical views listed above, the data exported for each gene is dependent on your Gene Information Settings. Only fields that are selected for display in the Gene Information Settings dialog will be exported, in addition to the Expression Level, BLOCK, and Seq_ID columns.


In the Gene Table view, genes in currently highlighted rows can be exported as a tab-delimited or comma-delimited .txt file by selecting File > Export Selected Table Rows or by clicking the Export tool export gene set.


Note: For ontology terms in the Gene Table, a “Gene Ontology ID” column will be added, which will include the ID for each term from the Gene Ontology Consortium.


In the Advanced Filtering window, genes within your search results can also be exported as a .*txt file by clicking the Export tool export gene set.