Scatter Plot Toolbar

From within the Scatter Plot, the following tools are available:




Data type button

The Data Type tool allows you to choose what kind of signal values you wish to display in the Scatter Plot. Choose between Gene, IP Fragment, IP Peak, Exon and/or Isoform signals.

x axis button y axis button

Click the X Axis or Y Axis tools to select the dataset to be plotted on each axis.

Selecting Custom from the list will display the Edit Scatter Plot Axis dialog, which allows you to select one or more data sets to display on each axis.


The Select Data tool puts your cursor in selection mode, allowing you to select individual data points, or regions of data on the Scatter Plot.

Click and drag to create a rectangle parallel to the x=y line to select a group of data points.


After selecting a group of data points, you may Ctrl+click and drag to de-select a subset of that group, or Shift+click and drag to add another data set to the existing selection.


The Zoom In tool puts your cursor into zoom-in mode.

Single clicking on the Scatter Plot will zoom-in for more detail.

Clicking and dragging the cursor while in zoom-in mode allows you to draw a box, specifying the particular area you want to zoom-in on. The smaller the box is, the more you will zoom-in to the specified area.


The Zoom Out tool puts your cursor into zoom-out mode.

Single clicking on the Scatter Plot will zoom-out for less detail.

Clicking and dragging the cursor while in zoom-out mode allows you to draw a box, specifying the particular area you want to zoom-out on. The smaller the box is, the more you will zoom-out from the specified area.

fit to view

The Fit to View tool scales the size of the Scatter Plot graph so that all data are displayed within the visible window.

copy image

Click the Copy Image tool to copy the graphical view so that you can paste it into another application, such as Word, PowerPoint, or Adobe Illustrator.


Note: In some applications, such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, it may be necessary to select Edit > Paste Special then select Picture (Enhanced Metafile).



Click the Print tool to print the Scatter Plot.

print preview

Click the Print Preview tool to view the Scatter Plot on screen as it will appear on the printed page.

export gene set

Click the Export Genes tool to export the currently selected genes as a tab-delimited text file (.txt).

remember gene set

Click the Remember Selection as a Set tool to create a new set from your current selection.


All of the saved sets from your current project can be viewed in the Set List view.

toggle project relative scale

Click the Use Project Display Scale/Use Relative Display Scale tool to switch between an absolute and relative scale on the X and Y axes.

The Project Display Scale uses the range of signal values from your entire project.


The Relative Display Scale uses only the range of signal values from the data currently displayed on the Scatter Plot.


Click the Show/Hide Info Pane tool to display/hide the Info Pane.

set colors button

Click the Color Settings tool to access the Set Colors window.

set styles button

Click the Style Settings tool to access the Set Styles window.


Note: If you can't see all the tools, enlarge or maximize the ArrayStar window.