The Gene Ontology Toolbar

Within the Gene Ontology view, the following tools are available:





Click the Copy Selected Terms tool to copy the currently selected terms with their associated statistics to your clipboard in a tab-delimited format. Only the currently displayed terms will be copied. To copy child terms, the parent terms must first be expanded. For ontology terms, a “Gene Ontology ID” column will be added, which will include the ID for each term from the Gene Ontology Consortium.


Click the Print tool to print the terms currently displayed in the Gene Ontology view. Choose

Select All to print all of the terms shown in the tree/list, or Selection to print only the currently selected terms.

print preview

Click the Print Preview tool to view the data on your screen as it will appear on the printed page(s).

export gene set

Click the Export Selected Terms tool to export the currently selected terms to a tab-delimited, Unicode tab delimited, or comma-separated file. For ontology terms, a “Gene Ontology ID” column will be added, which will include the ID for each term from the Gene Ontology Consortium.

Use the Expand/Collapse All Terms tool to expand or collapse all of the terms in the ontology tree.

Click the Show/Hide P-value tool to toggle between displaying and hiding the numeric P-value and P-value graph columns. To show/hide the P-values and P-value Graph columns individually, click the drop-down arrow next to the tool.

Click the Show/Hide Z-score tool to toggle between displaying and hiding the numeric Z-score and Z-score graph columns. To show/hide the Z-scores and Z-score Graph columns individually, click the drop-down arrow next to the tool.

Click the Show/Hide Gene Counts tool to toggle between displaying and hiding the Selected Gene Count, Total Gene Count, Percent Selected, and Graph of Percent Selected columns. To show/hide any of these columns individually, click the drop-down arrow next to the tool.

Click the Select All Genes in All Views tool to create a new global selection from all of the genes contained within the currently selected ontology terms. Click the drop-down arrow and choose Select Current Genes in All Views to create a new global selection from the subset of genes that were already selected in the currently selected ontology terms.

Click the Select All Genes and Show Results in Gene Table tool to create a new global selection from all of the genes contained within the currently selected ontology terms and display the selection in the Gene Table. Click the drop-down arrow and choose Select Current Genes and Show Results in Gene Table to create a new global selection from the subset of genes that were already selected in the currently selected ontology terms and display the selection in the Gene Table.

Click the Remember All Genes as Gene Set tool to create a new gene set containing the genes within the currently selected ontology terms. Click the drop-down arrow and choose Remember Current Genes as Gene Set to create a new gene set containing the genes that were already selected in the currently selected ontology terms.

set styles button

Click the Style Settings tool to access the Set Styles window.


Note: If you can't see all the tools, enlarge or maximize the ArrayStar window.