Commands for Saving and Exporting Data

The following commands are shown in alphabetical order.




Parameter Name

Parameter Description



To close the current project without saving it.

(None available)




Same as the Project > Update > Compact menu command.


We recommend using this command after using deleteContig or deleteSequence but before resaving the project using the saveProject command.

(None available)




To export the first 1000 bases and the last 1000 bases of contigs from a scaffold. The contigs are exported only in position order.

Any valid scaffold specifier

See Specifying Scaffolds.



Specifies the location and name for the output file. You must include the correct extension for the chosen file format k(as shown below). The pathname\filename must be enclosed in quotes.

To export Consensus Ends 1, 7 and 44 to an Extended FastA file named Consensi-1-7-44.fas:



          scaffolds:{1 7 44}



Specify the format for the output file by choosing of the following format parameters. If you do not use this parameter in your script, consensi will be exported into a single GenBank file (.gbk) by default.*


Note: Be sure to use a multisequence file format when exporting multiple consensi to a single file.


Extended FastA format (saves sequence info); use “.fas” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


Genbank flatfile format; use “.gbk” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


To save information about a specific contig.

Any valid contig specifier

See Specifying Contigs.

openProject file: "Dual-End Sample.sqd"

exportContigInfo contigs: {all} file: "results/pairs0.txt" pairs:0

exportContigInfo contigs: {all} file: "results/pairs1.txt" pairs:1

exportContigInfo contigs: {all} file: "results/pairs2.txt" pairs:2



Specifies the location and name for the output file. The pathname\filename must be enclosed in quotes. Using this parameter is equivalent to using the File > Save Contig Info menu command with the file format as “tab-delimited.”


The values for this parameter are 0, 1, and 2.


0 = don't export pair info (default).


1 = export pair info for all sequences and include pair info where relevant.


2 = only export information for sequences with pair data.


When using pairs:1 and pairs:2, these columns are added to the report:


pairDist, pairColor, seqname, pairContID, pairID, pairScheme


To export the specified contigs into a single file (which can contain multiple sequences).

Any valid contig specifier

See Specifying Contigs.

Example 1: To export Contigs 1, 7 and 44 to a DNA Multi-Seq file named Consensi-1-7-44.mseq, and only include areas of the contigs with a depth of at least 3:



          contigs:{1 7 44}





Example 2: To save Contigs 1 and 9 as individual Lasergene DNA sequence files, you must use a separate exportContigs statement for each output file:











Example 3: To export only the segment of Contig 1 between 400-900 bp and to retain its consensus gaps:



          contigs:{1 (400>900)}




Specifies the location and name for the output file. You must include the correct extension for the chosen file format. The pathname\filename must be enclosed in quotes.

Specify the format for the output file by choosing of the following format parameters. If you do not use this parameter in your script, consensi will be exported into a single multi-FastA file by default.*


Note: Be sure to use a multisequence file format when exporting multiple consensi to a single file.


Lasergene DNA sequence format; use “.seq” as the filename extension in the file parameter. This file type only supports one sequence per file. Attempting to use this format to export multiple contigs will result in exporting a DNA Multi Seq file (.mseq).


DNA Multi-Seq format; use “.mseq” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


FastA format (saves sequence name only); use “.fas” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


Extended FastA format (saves sequence info); use “.fas” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


Saves as two FastA files—one including the sequence(s) and one containing chromatogram information; use “.fas” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


Genbank flatfile format; use “.gbk” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


GCG format; use “.gcg” as the filename extension in the file parameter. This file type only supports one sequence per file. Using this type to export multiple contigs will result in exporting only the first contig.

Additional optional parameters:


Retains gaps in the consensus.


Removes gaps in the consensus.


Retains contig information and construction features so that you may view them in the comments pane of SeqBuilder Pro.


Does not retain contig information or construction features.


The coverage required for an area of a contig to be exported. Portions of a contig not meeting this threshold will not be included in the exported data. Note that SeqMan will only export .seq (format:DNA) or .mseq (format:DNAMulti) files when the coverage parameter is used.


To export a SeqMan project to GenVision.


The pathname\filename where the GenVision project and associated .txt files will be saved must be enclosed in quotes. If the pathname\filename you enter already exists, it will be overwritten.



To export the Project Statistics report to a specific file.


The pathname\filename where the report will be saved must be enclosed in quotes and terminate with a valid extension—usually “.txt” If the pathname\filename you enter already exists, it will be overwritten.


Additional optional parameters:


Sorts the Project Statistics report by contig length.


Sorts the Project Statistics report by contig name.


Sorts the Project Statistics report by the number of sequences in each contig.


Sorts the Project Statistics report by the contig position.


Sorts the Project Statistics report by the number of conflicts.


Includes the summary for the Project Statistics report.


Does not include the summary for the Project Statistics report.


Shows ambiguities for the Project Statistics report.


Does not show ambiguities for the Project Statistics report.


Includes the individual contig info from the Project Statistics report.


Excludes the individual contig info from the Project Statistics report.


Excludes contigs from the Project Statistics reports that do not meet the threshold, in this example of having at least 10 sequences.


To export all of the sequences from one or more contigs.


Note: Be sure to use a multisequence file format when exporting multiple sequences to a single file.

Any valid contig specifier

See Specifying Contigs.

To export the sequences from all contigs into Extended FastA format while retaining consensus gaps:





          format: FAS



Specifies the location and name for the output file. You must include the correct extension for the chosen file format. The pathname\filename must be enclosed in quotes.


Specifies if Q Scores or Q/n Scores will be exported for trace data when format:FasAndQual is used. (See below.) When true, the Q/n scores are exported; when false, the Q Scores are exported.

Specify the format for the output file by choosing one of the following format parameters. If you do not use this parameter in your script, consensi will be exported into a single multi-FastA file by default.


DNA Multi-Seq format; use “.mseq” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


FastA format (saves sequence name only); use “.fas” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


Extended FastA format (saves sequence info); use “.fas” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


Saves as two FastA files—one including the sequence(s) and one containing chromatogram information; use “.fas” as the filename extension in the file parameter.


Note: If you choose to export FASTA and Qual files, the quality scores that are exported depend upon the type of files used for the assembly. For trace data, the qual file will contain either Q scores or Q/n Scores, depending on the value used for the exportQ_N parameter. (See above.) For flowgram data, the qual file will contain the imported quality scores.


Genbank flatfile format; use “.gbk” as the filename extension in the file parameter.

Additional optional parameters:



Exports gaps in the consensus.


Removes gaps in the consensus before exporting. This is the default value if neither parameter is chosen explicitly.


To save variant information to a specific file.


The pathname\filename where the report will be saved must be enclosed in quotes and terminate with a valid extension—usually “.txt


Note: If the pathname\filename you enter already exists, it will be overwritten.


Any valid contig specifier

See Specifying Contigs. This parameter exports the variant information for only the contigs specified.

snpThresh: 50

This parameter applies the Heterozygous Peak Threshold to the exported variant information. Default 50.

Qscore: 5

This parameter applies the Q Score Threshold to the exported variant information. Default 5.

SNPscoreMin: 0

This parameter defines the minimum frequency a variant must occur at a position to be included in the exported variant information. Default 0.

SNPscoreMax: 100

This parameter defines the maximum frequency a variant can occur at a position to be included in the exported variant information. Default 100.


To quit the SeqMan application without saving the current project.

(None available)




To save a file of filenames for unassembled sequences in the current project, without saving the project itself.


The pathname\filename you wish to save to must be enclosed in quotes and terminate with a valid extension—usually “.fof”. If the pathname\filename you enter already exists, it will be overwritten.


A file of filenames is saved in text format unless the sequences have been added using the assemble command with optimizeOrder set to true and DoAssemble set to false. If these last two conditions are true, the sequence order will be optimized and the output file of filenames will contain optimized order in binary format, which cannot be read by text editors.


Note: When using an .fof file, SeqMan assumes that the vector trim has already been completed.



Same as the File > Save menu command. Saves the current project.


The pathname\filename you wish to save to must be enclosed in quotes and terminate with the extension “.sqd”. If the pathname\filename you enter already exists, it will be overwritten.



To save the specified report as a text file, without saving the project.


The pathname\filename where the report will be saved must be enclosed in quotes and terminate with a valid extension—usually “.txt”. If the pathname\filename you enter already exists, it will be overwritten.


Use one of the following parameters to specify which report you wish to save.


Saves the Project Report.


Saves the Trim Report.


Saves the data acquisition information for any ABI files in the Unassembled Sequences window in spreadsheet format. Note that you cannot retrieve this ABI_Info if you assemble the data, as the sequences will no longer be listed in the Unassembled Sequences window.