Opening results in a Lasergene application

You can view results by opening one or more in a Lasergene application. To do this, first select one or more results from your search results window.


Then, do one of the following:


      To open the results in a different Lasergene application than the current one, select a Lasergene application from the list box above the words Open With.


      To open the results in the current Lasergene application, click Create Document/Add to Project/Put in Document. In the resulting dialog, select one of the following options from the Save field:


Top opens the specified number of matches, starting with the first sequence on the list. Specify a number in the text box (default is 10).


Next opens the specified number of sequences, starting with the first one currently highlighted. Specify a number in the text box (default is 10).


Checked opens sequences with a checkmark beside them.


Selected opens only highlighted sequences.


All opens all sequences.


To save the file(s) in a location other than the default directory, click the Set Location button. Finally, click OK again to save the sequence files and either add them to the current project or open them in a different Lasergene application.