Net Search Menu

Menu Command


BLAST Selection


To search a BLAST database, such as NCBI’s BLAST database, for a sequence that substantially matches the highlighted segment of the current sequence.

New Text Search

To create a new query to search a text database, like the NCBI Entrez database, for text in a file that matches your search criteria.

Change This Query

To modify a text query before performing a second search. This option often results in a more focused result set by narrowing the search criteria of an existing query.

Search These Results

To search the results of a text query using a new set of criteria. This is often faster than searching the entire database again. This option often results in a more focused result set by narrowing the search criteria of an existing query.

Current Results

To find a window containing text query results. If there are multiple search results windows open, each will have an option beside this menu option.


Listed items are assigned titles consisting of the database type (like nucleotide or protein) followed by the search term(s) used in the query. Click on any title to view that list of query results in the active window.

Add to Project

Use this option from a BLAST or text search results window to add each of the selected sequence(s) or protein(s) in the current document.

Open with Web Browser

Use this option from a BLAST or text search results window to open each of the selected sequence(s) or protein(s) in a browser.

Batch Save

Use this option from a BLAST or text search results window to save each of the selected sequence(s) or protein(s) in its own file.