Actions Section Hyperlinks

The Actions section is located at the bottom of the Info Panes of the ArrayStar Views, and provides hyperlinked shortcuts for various tasks. In some cases, the Actions section is only visible after first selecting data in the view.


Available hyperlinks vary based on the workflow, but will include a subset of the following (shown here in alphabetical order):




Create/edit user defined experiment attributes

Launches the Create and Edit User Defined Attributes dialog.

Create new replicate set

Creates a replicate set containing the experiment(s) currently selected.

Do Hierarchical clustering with the selected genes

Clusters the selected genes using the Hierarchical Clustering method and displays the results in the Heat Map.

Do k-Means clustering with the selected genes

Clusters the selected genes using the k-Means Clustering method and displays the results in the Line Graph Thumbnails view.

Import experiment attributes

Opens a browse dialog that prompts you to locate the attributes file for the selected experiment.

Open scatter plot view

Opens the Scatter Plot view. For optimal use, select two experiments or replicate sets before clicking the link; each will be plotted on an axis in the Scatter Plot. If you do not have two experiments selected, ArrayStar will make a best guess at the data you wish to view. Once in the Scatter Plot, you can easily change the data plotted on either axis by using the Select X Axis Experiment x%20axis%20button and Select Y Axis Experiment y axis button tools.

Remember the selection as a Gene set

Opens the New Set dialog.

Remember the selection as an IP Fragment set

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the New Set dialog.

Remember the selection as an IP Peak set

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the New Set dialog.

Remember this clustering result

Opens the New Clustering Result dialog.

Select and show the table of this set's SNPs

Opens the SNP Table with the relevant SNPs selected at the top of the table.

Show a Heat Map view of this clustering result

Clusters the selected genes using the Hierarchical Clustering method and displays the results in the Heat Map.

Show a Line Graph Thumbnails view of this clustering result

Displays the current clustering in the Line Graph Thumbnails view. If the gene tree has been divided using the gene tree splitter tool, then only the groups into which the tree was split will be displayed.

Show the table of Exons in the selected Genes

Opens the Exon Table with the relevant exons selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of Genes containing this set's SNPs

Opens the Gene Table with the relevant gene(s) selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of Genes near the selected IP Fragment

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the Gene Table with the with the relevant genes selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of Genes near the selected IP Peaks

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the Gene Table with the with the relevant genes selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of IP Fragments containing the selected IP Peaks

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the Fragment Table with the with the relevant IP fragments selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of IP Fragments near the selected Genes

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the Fragment Table with the with the relevant IP fragments selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of IP Peaks in the selected IP Fragments

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the Peak Table with the with the relevant IP peaks selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of IP Peaks near the selected genes.

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the Peak Table with the with the relevant IP peaks at the top of the table.

Show the table of Isoforms in the selected Genes

Opens the Isoform Table with the relevant isoforms selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of selected Genes

Opens the Gene Table with the relevant genes selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of selected IP Fragments

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the Fragment Table with the with the relevant IP fragments selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of selected IP Peaks

(Available only for miRNA and ChIP-Seq projects) Opens the Peak Table with the with the relevant IP Peaks selected at the top of the table.

Show the table of SNPs in the selected Genes

Opens the SNP Table view with the relevant SNPs selected at the top of the table.

Show user defined experiment attributes

Displays an Experiment Attributes section between the Details and Actions sections of the Info Pane.